Friday, September 15, 2017

Promotion Standards Have Been Lowered For The U.S. Air Force

John Q. Public: Air Force Lowers Promotion Standards to Address Officer Shortages

It’s been a season of relative optimism about the future of the Air Force. But the service is still prone to bouts of myopic personnel mismanagement. It will occasionally belch out a policy so bad that it beggars belief. Its latest epic gaffe will fix nothing and create lasting dysfunction … all the while eroding the confidence of airmen.

In a September 13th press release, the service announced that captains will now how have a 100% opportunity at promotion to major. Only those with conduct blemishes in their records will require formal recommendations. Everyone else will be promoted automatically.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is how much the standards have been lowered .... captains will now how have a 100% opportunity at promotion to major.


Unknown said...

I don't get it.

Air Force use to be the hardest to advance in and the Navy the easiest.

Carl said...

This is not unique to the Air Force. At the height of the Iraq war, the Army was doing the same thing because battle-experienced captains were leaving in droves. If you simply stayed in the Army you were guaranteed promotion to major.

Unknown said...

In this day & age John McCain could make it without his father and grandfather.

Oh wait, he had this habit of hotdogging it and wrecking planes.

"In his most serious lapse, McCain was "clowning" around in a Skyraider over southern Spain about December 1961 and flew into electrical wires, causing a blackout"

Getting shot down by enemy anti-aircraft is often unavoidable, but mishaps in peace time ...