Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Report: Iran Is Threatening Global Media Outlets Like The BBC And VOA

Washington Free Beacon: Iranian Spy Service Threatening, Blackmailing Global Media Outlets

Iran regime threatening reporters, families to ensure positive coverage.

Iran's clandestine spy network has been threatening and blackmailing scores of journalists, even going so far as to detain and threaten the family members of these reporters, in order to ensure positive coverage in global media outlets, according to a new report that estimates at least 50 international journalists have been threatened in just the past year.

Iran uses its network of spies and its hardline judiciary to threaten journalists with punishment and in many cases detain family members in order to use them as leverage against Western reporters, according to a new report by Reporters Without Borders, or RSF, a watchdog group that advocates for freedom of the press.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The 'Reporters Without Borders' report is here .... How Iran tries to control news coverage by foreign-based journalists (Reporters Without Border).

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