Friday, September 1, 2017

Should North Korea Fear The U.S. Air Force's F-35?

U.S. Marine Corps F-35B fighter jets (foreground) and South Korean air Force's F-15K fly over South Korea during a joint military drill, South Korea on August 31, 2017. Republic of Korea Air Force/Yonhap/via REUTERS

Todd Crowell, Asia Times: The aircraft Kim Jong-un fears most. Or ought to.

America’s newest fighter-bomber, the F-35, is coming to Asia in increasing numbers just as military tensions between North Korea and the US escalate

America’s newest fighter-bomber, the F-35, is coming to Asia in increasing numbers just as tensions between North Korea and the United States have escalated. This should worry Kim Jong-un.

“We’ve passed more than 100,000 flying hours (many with test pilots, to be sure), and they are ready to go into combat,” Heather Wilson, the US Secretary of the air force, said in an end of August briefing.

Already one squadron is now stationed in Japan. Dozens more are coming to US and allied bases in Japan and South Korea.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un is looking at this crisis from a political angle .... and if the U.S., South Korea, and Japan are willing to go to war. In this context .... the U.S. arsenal .... F-35s included .... are not a factor for him, especially since he believes that the political leadership in Washington/Tokyo/Seoul are not willing to use them.


Anonymous said...

Very true. And until Kim sees more carrier groups off North Korea's shores, and China breathing down his neck, all the war games and statements and sanctions won't mean a damn thing in the end.

Unknown said...

" are not a factor for him, especially since he believes that the political leadership in Washington/Tokyo/Seoul are not willing to use them. "

Assuming that this is a correct read of Kim Jong In, what sense does it make?

Your enemies will be afraid of using one of their best conventional weapons?


Because they might lose a few?

Because they will not work?

If you believe the latter than you believe that test ranges are B.S. and have been since their start.

Development takes time. It took the Soviets 8 years to come up with the SU-14. It was not fielded until 1941. It was a good assault gun, but it too time to develop and it had no software/avionics.


fazman said...

He need fear nothing as he knows there is little to no political will to reign him in.
However with his hardware and pathetic pilot training hours not only would he fear the f35, but anything down to a F4 Phantom.