Sunday, September 3, 2017

Texas Governor: Damage From Hurricane Harvey Will Be Between $150 billion to $180 Billion

Reuters: Texas governor estimates storm damage at $150 bln to $180 bln

"There is furniture on the sidewalk that I'm still paying for"

HOUSTON, Sept 3 (Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Sunday said damage from Hurricane Harvey would exceed that of epic hurricanes Katrina or Sandy, likely reaching $150 billion to $180 billion.

Harvey, which came ashore on Aug. 25 as the most powerful hurricane to hit Texas in 50 years, has killed an estimated 47 people and displaced more than 1 million after causing wreckage in an area stretching for more than 300 miles (480 kms).

Abbott, who is advocating for U.S. government aid to repair his state, said the damage would exceed that of Katrina, the storm that devastated New Orleans and surrounding areas in 2005, and Sandy, which overwhelmed New York city and the U.S. Northeast in 2012.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Houston is a sanctuary city with one of the largest migrant populations in the U.S.. I can see the debate happening now .... should these people be entitled to U.S. taxpayer money for rebuilding, or should it only be targeted for U.S. citizens? Here is an easy prediction .... the debate is going to be "brutal".


Unknown said...

".... should these people be entitled to U.S. taxpayer money for rebuilding, or should it only be targeted for U.S. citizens? "

Trump said everybody, but that was a couple of days ago. Who knows about today?

fred said...

there is the immigrant issue, for sure. But let us not forget that that city, that state, also made a big contribution to the mess they now face. In fact, real estate people on record declaring how proud they were (in the recentpast) in getting rid of most regulations so they could build and on flood zones ...that state as no regulations about such things and leaves it to the cities to decide. in passing, the flood insurance program is billions in arrears, and tacks this onto national debt. Imagine this: no money left so you can not move to flood zones without insurance. Or: pay up (many let flood insurance drop) or no insurance etc
there needs major changes in these matters, as well as illegals, who seem valued for cheap labor, needed locally, and perhaps useful for reconstruction..I leave that issue to wiser heads to figure out