Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Growth Of Online News Has Already Surpassed TV For Those Below 50

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Washington Examiner: Online news set to top TV next year, already has for under-50 crowd

Over just the last year, Americans have radically changed their media consuming habits, abandoning TV news in favor of online sources, a trend that could have the internet as the nation's No. 1 news provider in a year.

The latest Pew Research Center review of news consumption that showed a 19-point gap between TV news and online shrunk to just 7 points in the last year. Those "often" getting news from TV dropped from 57 percent last year to 50 percent this year, while online grew from 38 percent to 43 percent.

"The decline in television news use occurs across all three types of TV news asked about in the survey – local, network and cable – but is greatest for local television news," said Pew.

TV is already losing to online for everybody younger than 50.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: In my case I get all of my news online. And as for this blog .... a sure sign (to me) on the growth of online news .... last month was the best month for web traffic, hitting 725,000 page views (according to Google). This month .... if trends continue .... WNU will be hitting almost 800,000 page views, and once I have finished updating the content and look of the site (which should be done this week), I am 100% sure that this traffic will be easily surpassing one million per month by Christmas.


fred said...

nice but think: where does online get its news from--reporters they hire? nope. They are online editions of regular news services or get via offline sources.

Rodger said...

How much time do you spend daily to gather and post these stories? I found your blog some years ago and value it highly, along with your incisive comments. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Please don't go too crazy with the site update Mr WNU.

One of the main appeals for me (apart from content) is the simplicity of the site, the speed it loads on mobile devices and on poor internet speed/connection areas around the world...

However, I hope you smash the 1m+ views soon, you deserve it :)

War News Updates Editor said...

Fred. TV News gets their news from the wire services, and then they summarize it in 45 seconds for their TV audience. I get the same news and from the same sources, but I link to the entire story. The trend is that people do want the whole story, and not the abbreviated version. Also .... there is a growing realization that TV news is selective in their reporting .... especially if it runs contrary to their narrative on a story. I try my best to give everyone's version, and if not, the commentators of this blog are always pitching in with their take (which I approve).

War News Updates Editor said...


My routine is the following:

I wake up in the morning and go through the wire services (Reuters/AP/AFP), then the regular news websites (abut 20 of them). I pick what I find interesting, and organize it in a certain order. This takes about an hour (I read very fast). I then spend the next 2 -3 hours posting this stuff. During the evenings I usually spend 2 -3 hours reading and posting what I like. I 26 posts a day. On weekends I take life easier. I still do 26 posts, but I do not necessarily do my World News Briefs and Military and Intelligence News Brief posts (like today). These posts take a long time to do.

I am now changing my routine to wake up earlier, and to do my posting earlier. But this is a struggle.

War News Updates Editor said...

You are not alone. A lot of people have emailed me to tell me to not change the look of the site because of its simplicity and speed to load up. I hear you guys and gals .... so rest assure I will only be doing a very minimal change in the look. What I will change significantly is the left side of the blog listing links to sites that I use. Most are now dead, and they are representative of only a small fraction of what I use. In short .... I am going to list all the web sites that I use to make this blog possible. (Hint .... it is a long list).