Friday, September 1, 2017

U.S.-Backed Fighters Claim To Have Seized The Old City Of Raqqa

The SDF's fighters first broke into Raqqa in early June and penetrated its Old City a month later. Reuters

Daily Mail: US-backed fighters liberate Raqqa's Old City as ISIS are flushed out of their de facto capital

* Syrian Democratic Forces spokesman Talal Sello said troops had seized Old City
* 'We are on the edges of ISIS's security quarter in the city centre,' he said today
* ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is suspected to still be alive in the Middle East
* Top US commanders have admitted if they find him, they will probably kill him

US-backed fighters on Friday ousted the Islamic State group from Raqqa's Old City bringing them closer than ever to the jihadists' most well-defended positions.

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) spokesman Talal Sello said, using the Arabic acronym for IS, said: 'Our forces today seized full control of the Old City in Raqa after clashes with Daesh.

'We are on the edges of ISIS's security quarter in the city centre, where most of its main bases are.'

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If this report is true, the end-game may happen sooner than most have predicted (i.e. 2 months).

More News On Reports That U.S.-Backed Fighters Have Seized The Old City Of Raqqa

U.S.-backed forces in Syria's Raqqa say they take old city -- Reuters
U.S.-backed forces run IS militants out of de-facto capital in Syria -- UPI
US-backed Syria force says seizes Raqqa Old City from IS -- Gulf Times/AFP
US-backed Forces Claim IS Fighters Pushed From Raqqa Old City -- VOA
As US-backed forces seize Raqqa’s Old City from Isis, UN condemns price of air strikes for civilians -- The Independent
SDF: ISIL removed from Raqqa's Old City -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Interesting how the strategy has been to push hard for the old city and not let up, breach the walls and hammer them. It definitely didn't work out the same for the Iraqi's in Mosul. I guess the planners of this operation took notice of others failures.

Unknown said...

"If were to go by the book, like Lt. Saavik, hours might seem like days." -
Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan?