Wednesday, September 27, 2017

U.S. Navy Returns to Compasses and Pencils

New York Times: Navy Returns to Compasses and Pencils to Help Avoid Collisions at Sea

WASHINGTON — Urgent new orders went out earlier this month for United States Navy warships that have been plagued by deadly mishaps this year.

More sleep and no more 100-hour workweeks for sailors. Ships steaming in crowded waters like those near Singapore and Tokyo will now broadcast their positions as do other vessels. And ships whose crews lack basic seamanship certification will probably stay in port until the problems are fixed.

All seemingly obvious standards, military officials say, except that the Navy only now is rushing the remedies into effect after two collisions in two months left 17 sailors dead, despite repeated warnings about the looming problems from congressional watchdogs and the Navy’s own experts dating to 2010.

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WNU Editor: What was once old is now new.


Unknown said...

Bradley Manning will be disappointed.

Now, there is no chance he will be brought back as a visiting professor to teach sensitivity.

Now instead of Leftist courses and professional courses, it will just be professional courses.

Jac said...

All of these problems are the consequences of 8 years of low funding in the Obama administration. Leftist hate spending in defense, the result is terrible because we now need much more funding anyway and time for catching up. I don't understand the ones' who are "on the side of people" and not taking care of their security.

Anonymous said...

Jac, you cannot be serious. The US spends way way more than several next nations combined. The problem is they spend it stupidly. F35 ring a bell? Or did you see the several hundred million (think it was 700mn) unaccounted money that the Taliban probably received? There is so much money lost every frwaking year and zip accountability. Or did you know that the Pentagon's accounting books are off by a few trillion? They struggle in even keeping track of a few trillion. It just cannot go on like this. The US just cannot afford it. If you want the latest greatest weapon systems (like I do) you need to fight corruption, piggy barrelling, and these massive accounting scandals. Did you see the treasury department of the pentagon fire someone over these lost millions here and there, or over the billions elsewhere and the trillions in total? No. When bush kept even the costs for the Iraq war (a cheap 2 trillion) off the record for a couple of years there should have been a much much larger outcry. This is borderline treasonous behaviour as it left the US financially overburdened. Oh and did you realise the US government is constantly on the verge of shutting down unless the debt ceiling is kept being raised?
To blame it on some lefties requires a special kind of ignorance.

Anonymous said...


thank you for sharing

Anonymous said...

Aizino - just once, could you try to be on topic when you post a comment? Your rambling is getting ridiculuous.

Unknown said...


Thank you for showing up. We will give you an "A" for effort.

It has been mention by more than political commentator, blogger or posters that the U.S. spends too much time on Leftist/liberal feel good nonsense such as teaching soldiers about transgendered.

My 3 sentences were sarcasm. If you don't like the sarcasm "stay out of the kitchen".