Friday, September 1, 2017

Will Europe Help South Korea And Japan In A Korean War?

British PM Theresa May visited Japan earlier this week

Julian Ryall, DW: North Korea threat: Will Europe help South Korea, Japan militarily?

While the EU is in agreement on N. Korea sanctions, it is less clear if European nations would commit militarily to the region should tensions worsen to the point at which fighting breaks out. Julian Ryall reports.

On her three-day state visit to Japan this week, British Prime Minister Theresa May made her position on North Korea's continued aggressions toward its immediate neighbors quite clear: May told her Japanese hosts she was "outraged" by Pyongyang's "reckless provocations."

May arrived in Japan one day after North Korea fired an intermediate-range ballistic missile over the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, prompting emergency warnings and public concern. Pyongyang had earlier threatened to launch ballistic missiles into waters close to the Pacific island of Guam, a US territory that hosts a key military base.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I can see the EU giving public support for South Korea and Japan in a war .... and some may even commit resources and monies. But committing soldiers .... no. Case in point is Germany. If Germany was not interested in participating in the Libyan military campaign against Qaddafi, why would they be interested in participating in a military campaign on the other side of the world. Same for the other countries in the EU .... all EU countries are stretched, becoming involved in a major Korean war will have very little (if any) public support, and definitely no political support.


Anonymous said...

It depends on the nature of the war. If it's a war that was initiated by the allies, and Germany wasn't consulted, and the war causes significant burden on north Korean civilians then yeah. .expect Germany to stay out almost completely. If the circumstances are different, eg Japan or south Korea get shot at - maybe even nuked, I'd be almost certain Germany would come to their aid and send soldiers to avenge them

Bohemond said...

Lucky the the Royal Navy has that new shiny aircraft carrier ready to use if only it had planes but the USMC can provide the air wing until then. :)