Sunday, October 8, 2017

350,000 Gathered In Barcelona To Rally Against Independence From Spain

BBC: Catalonia independence: Huge Spain unity rally in Barcelona

At least 350,000 people gathered in Barcelona, capital of Catalonia, for a rally against independence from Spain.

They waved Spanish and Catalan flags and carried banners saying "Together we are stronger" and "Catalonia is Spain".

It was the largest such rally in Catalonia amid the furore over last week's disputed independence referendum.

Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy has warned he would not rule out anything "within the law" to halt Catalan secession.

Similar rallies were held across Spain on Saturday.

The final results from the referendum in the wealthy north-eastern region suggested 90% of the 2.3 million people who voted backed independence. Turnout was 43%.

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WNU Editor: Images like this does not help the pro-Spain position .... Far-right Spanish thugs scream ‘sieg heil’ and perform NAZI SALUTES in praise of the police officers who tried to put down Calatonia’s independence (Daily Mail). Pro-Spain march organisers are saying that 930,000 showed up (not 350,000 according to police reports). The number is important because pro-Catalan marches have drawn in one million supporters. The Spanish Prime Minister is saying that a Catalan independence declaration 'will have no effect' .... Catalan independence declaration 'will have no effect', says Rajoy (BBC). Even threatening to suspend Catalonia's autonomy .... Spanish PM won't rule out suspending Catalonia's autonomy (UPI). As to what is going to happen this week .... I do expect Catalonia to declare independence .... Catalonia will apply referendum law calling for independence declaration: leader (Reuters), and I also expect the Spanish government to use force to annul it.

More News On Today's Pro-Spain Rally In Barcelona

Spanish unionists find their voice in huge Barcelona rally -- ABC News/AP
Hundreds of thousands march against Catalan independence -- The Australian/AFP
'Catalonia is Spain': Protests snub call for Catalan independence -- CNN
Catalonia: hundreds of thousands join anti-independence rally in Barcelona -- The Guardian
Thousands march against Catalan secession -- Financial Times

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