Wednesday, October 4, 2017

All Roads In The Middle East Now Lead To Moscow (Updated)

Bloomberg: Putin Is Filling the Middle East Power Vacuum

* Saudi king’s first visit brings another Mideasterner to Moscow
* Russia a ‘nimble boxer’ vs musclebound U.S., diplomat says

The Israelis and Turks, the Egyptians and Jordanians -- they’re all beating a path to the Kremlin in the hope that Vladimir Putin, the new master of the Middle East, can secure their interests and fix their problems.

Read more ....

Update: "Putin Is The New Master Of The Middle East" (Zero Hedge).

WNU Editor: I have been saying the same thing for the past 2 years .... Why All Roads In The Middle East Now Lead To Moscow (May 8, 2016).

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

Forbes had this pegged properly. Vladimir Putin is the most powerful person in the world. Like this or not, this is the case.

All world leaders especially American ones who have gone out of their way to pick quarrels with him are simply going to need to recognize this. The top priority for American leadership should be to be trying to do all they can to make amends and get on good terms with him and the country he leads. Doing so would have huge potential in dealing with threats such as those posed by North Korea, Iran, and a host of other threats to America.

If we think of earth and its various countries along with their leaders like a business organization, Vladimir Putin and his country can be thought of as the most powerful member of the organization, sort of like a CEO. For those wishing to advance in this organization, it is generally never a good idea to get on the bad side of top members of an organization. This can be thought of as "Human Relations 101."

Perhaps a bit off topic, back in 2014 when the US chose to take the side of the Ukrainian coup, I stated that this was the dumbest decision ever made by a major world power. I still stand by that, however, I may be in error.

Back in 2011 when the Syrian Civil War started I had stated that the Assad government would win. Furthermore I had stated the Russians simply would not allow him to fall and any efforts to remove him would end up futile. As such, even if such might be optimal it would not be worth pursuing as it would be/is unattainable. At the time, I expected Barack Obama and his team to perhaps whimper a little bit about it but in the end to accept reality and adjust US policy accordingly and the Syrian Civil War would be over in about six months or so with Assad firmly in control.

This did not happen. Instead the US went all in on removing Assad. As stated, this was a futile effort that had no chance of success. Not only this but the US compounded the problem by siding with "rebels" who were/are no different from ISIS/Al Qaeda. THERE ARE NO MODERATE REBELS IN SYRIA!! This had the effect of prolonging the war and increasing the casualties on all sides.

At the start, Iranian and Iranian proxy groups along with Russia had a minimal presence. Had the US simply stayed out of it or perhaps better sought to assist Russia here increased Iran, Iranian proxy, and Russian presences would have been unnecessary AND to make matters worse the Syrian military, Iranian forces, Hezbollah, and other Iranian proxies are now battle hardened and are even more determined to harm America. Furthermore, Russia arguably the most capable military force on the planet has now gained additional combat field training and is even stronger and more resolved to harm America. These actions have also endangered Israel further as a battle hardened enemy is now closer to their borders in mass numbers. The stupidity of American leaders simply seems to know no bounds!!