Monday, October 9, 2017

Che Guevara Was Executed 50 Years Ago

BBC: Cubans remember Che Guevara 50 years after his death

Several thousand people have attended a ceremony in the Cuban city of Santa Clara to remember the revolutionary icon Ernesto "Che" Guevara, 50 years after his capture and death.

Among crowds at his statue and mausoleum was his old friend, Cuban President Raúl Castro.

Many more watched at home on state TV as President Castro laid a white rose on Guevara's tomb.

The revolutionary still divides opinion as much today as he did in life.

For five decades his name has adorned every corner of Cuba, from banknotes to billboards, his image one of the most recognisable in Latin America.

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WNU Editor: I could never understand why many on the left idolise Che. The list of atrocities he committed in his short life have been well documented, and many who suffered because of him are still alive today to give testimony to what he did. But idolise him they still do .... to the point of worshipping him by buying T-Shirts with his image on it, or even making a stamp of him .... Claim stamp marking Guevara death ‘totally objectionable’ (Irish Times). On a personal note .... at my parents home outside of Moscow we have a huge photo-portrait of Che, Fidel, and a few Cuban revolutionaries smiling together and probably taken right after the revolution. It was a gift given to my father about 40 - 45 years ago, and after my father past away I put it in storage with everything else. Hmmmm .... maybe I should put it on eBay?

More News On Che Guevara

Admirers honor 'Che' Guevara 50 years after his death -- FOX News/AP
Brutal end for Che Guevara, pin-up boy of Cuban revolution -- Daily Telegraph
Cubans mark 50th anniversary of Che Guevara's death -- ITV News
Che Guevera: romantic revolutionary, dogmatic killer -- The National
Che Guevara's legacy still contentious 50 years after his death in Bolivia -- The Guardian
Marxist hero & icon of commercialism: Che Guevara's split legacy -- RT
Che Guevara: 7 Things You Should Know Before Putting On That T-Shirt -- Huffington Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wnu, regarding your question, wondering why so many people wear his tshirt: they don't know exactly who he is or what he did, or didn't do. They see a tshirt with a catchy name "Che" and a cool looking dude with a bed-hair style. Of course it's selling. It doesn't matter if he did some bad things because they'll argue "the winner writes history, maybe he wasn't that bad at all". And finally, when it comes to Cuba, much of international education focuses on the Cuban missile crisis, and of course the bay of pigs (where he was a commander, but focus of education is on the CIA attempt to invade).
Finally, his portrait has been stylised and is now so recognisable that the Maryland Institute College of Artas calls it "the most famous photograph in the world". So yeah, it sells.