Friday, October 6, 2017

Chinese President Xi Positions Himself To Stay In Power For A Decade (Or More)

Chinese President Xi Jinping. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng)

South China Morning Post: Does Chinese leader Xi Jinping plan to hang on to power for more than 10 years?

The ranks of potential successors have been thinning out ahead of party congress.

The leader of China’s Communist Party, Xi Jinping, will begin a second five-year term this month. Many observers say it’s unlikely to be his last.

Ahead of the party’s national congress, due to start in Beijing on October 18, the ranks of potential successors have been thinning out. Former Chongqing party boss Sun Zhengcai, 54, who had been regarded as a rising star, was expelled from the party last Friday after being taken away for questioning by party anti-graft inspectors on July 14.

If, after the congress, no ­putative heir is elevated to the Politburo Standing Committee, the party’s highest decision-making body, it will be the clearest sign yet that Xi is eyeing a third term as the party boss, possibly as general secretary or under ­another title, that would start in 2022.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The opposition to him is staying quiet .... with the economy growing and international threats growing there is no movement to unseat him. He is safe for the next 5 years .... but if the economy takes a hit he may be facing some tough times.


RussInSoCal said...

This man does not look physically healthy at all.

Unknown said...

The CCCP is broken.

It is instructive to study Roman politics.

It has been pointedly asserted that Julius Caesar did not destroy the Roman Republic.

Maybe given human nature the Republic was always going to fall.

Other trace the fall of the Republic to the Punic Wars. At the end of the wars Rome was both a Republic and the winner, but the sands had shifted under their feet.

In a conventional sense the Punic Wars spelled the end of the Republic. Conscription for wars lasting more than campaigning season killed the journeyman farmer class and created a huge prole class. Large landowners ended up with all the land.

The proles were used in political warfare. In some cases they actually killed the cream of the opposition. Today, we have proles used in political warfare. They are OWS, BLM, Antifa and others. Like in the Republic they are paid. They might as well be called clients.
People like Robert Creamer spread the cash & organize at the behest of politicians with an office.

Going back to Caesar, he was proceeded by Sulla and Marius and the 1st Triumvirate. All those show that Rome was sick for generations before Caesar put the final nail in.

This is the 3rd time the CCCP has broke. The Gang of 4 was the previous break or a continuation of break started, when Mao was 'retired', but subsequently agitated until he came back into power.

Can the CCCP fix itself this time around?

P.S. The political system could be considered to have been broken in Rome, when they kicked out the kings and also when they went to the tetrarchy. So Rome's political system can be broken up into periods. It will be hard in the current day to tell if the CCCP has entered into a new period.

fred said...

A pleasant trip into the past, which tells us little or nothing, about current China. I am hardly a classical scholar, but, somehow, I never thought of the Roman empire and communism, though some people do imagine communism everywhere they look

Unknown said...


You have admitted that you are not well educated.

Sociologically, many parallels can be drawn between Roman politics and subsequent political systems. plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Seeing as you are conventional, easily led, & easily entertained (cutting and pasting pics), I can see that things have to be very cookie cutter and concrete for you. Do not try to do anything abstract like algebra. It will be beyond your kenning.