Saturday, October 28, 2017

CNN: Charges Have Been Filed In The Mueller Investigation

CNN: First on CNN: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Washington (CNN)A federal grand jury in Washington on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

A spokesman for the special counsel's office declined to comment.

Mueller was appointed in May to lead the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Under the regulations governing special counsel investigations, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who has oversight over the Russia investigation, would have been made aware of any charges before they were taken before the grand jury for approval, according to people familiar with the matter.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:
Considering the pressure that is on Robert Mueller to show results in his investigation .... especially in view of many now openly questioning his credibility and non-partiality in view of his role in the Uranium One deal when he was director of the FBI (see here) and here .... this leak to CNN that arrests are pending should not be a surprise. As to who is going to be arrested (if the CNN report is true) .... my money is on Paul Manafort and (maybe) Michael Flynn.

More News On Charges Being Filed In The Mueller Investigation

First charges filed in U.S. special counsel's Russia investigation -- Reuters
Grand Jury Approves First Charges in Mueller’s Russia Probe, Report Says -- NBC
First charges filed in special counsel Mueller's Russia probe: report -- The Hill
First charges filed in Mueller investigation into alleged Russian meddling in US election – report -- The Telegraph
Robert Mueller's First Charges -- The Atlantic


Anonymous said...

I'd think Manafort..he's really shady. Flynn is mostly dumb and has been "caught" doing what many others in his position are doing..his lying to the VP didn't help, but compared to Manafort he's a light weight, crime wise

James said...

It's pretty obvious that alot of this has to do with ownership of the news and they'll be somewhat successful in that regard, but the end result of this might not be something they had counted on.

Unknown said...

A fishing expedition that had no business being chartered except for the desires of the partisan Left and the Never Trumpers.

Any number of in the Beltway are guilty of far more.

Arresting Flynn will be like arresting, trying and convicting Scooter Libby.

It was that shyster Armitage, who outed Plame. But Libby takes the fall?

Worried about the Tea Party or similar groups?

Well then you (the reader) should be very worried, if Flynn gets nailed and Hillary walks away scot-free.

We already know that the DNC and Hillary campaign broke innumerable campaign finance laws. Why should we have to wait 18 months or 3 years for some in the DNC to get a slap on the wrist while Mueller, who is dirty (we know that now) goes after Manafort.

Why should Flynn or Manafort be facing anything when Debbie Wasserman Shultz is above the crown of her head deep in shit with the Pakistani-IT spying scandal?


You know what hurts GWB? He came out against Trump in a cowardly sort of way and he was quiet as Mouse during the Obama years. It hurt that GWB did not defend Libby. The excuse was that he would have to spend limited political capital. It is an excuse we considered. On the way out the door he pardoned Libby. That 'helped' some.

If Flynn gets prosecuted, it will bring up memories of Scooter's prosecution and GWB's poll numbers will go down. Does it matter. It might. His voice will matter less and less in the public square. We won't consider him an elder statesman worth listening to.

GWB was criticized and still to this day criticized for example on the Rush Limbaugh show for taking sling and arrows politically and not firing back politically.


Hillary needs to wear orange!

Mueller and Comey, too!

fred said...

deflection much? A Nothing Burger just begins to turn into a Something Burger...but denial remains not just a river in Egyps

War News Updates Editor said...

This was and is a something burger .... otherwise I would not have 150 posts on the Mueller Commission alone. The key is .... does Robert Mueller have evidence that Trump officials openly colluded with Russian officials, and is this the reason why someone (or someones) will be arrested in the coming days. If this arrest(s) just involves someone playing with their money overseas and hiding it from tax authorities .... I can already hear the balloons deflating. And on the other side .... a debate on double standards when we now know that former President Clinton received $500,000 for a one hour speech in Moscow and his foundation received $145,000,000 from the principles involved in the Uranium One deal. Bottom line .... here is an easy prediction .... this political debate (not legal debate) is going to get very messy.

fred said...

deflecting to hillary: ok...any crime that calls for indictment? interfering with elections? if there is a crime on a uranium deal, let us look for indictment from Sessions et al...I have no problem with jailing those proven guilty of a crime.

Unknown said...

It is not deflection.

Fusion might have started with broad generic opposition research or just research by the Free Beacon.

The Clinton Campaign and the DNC made it into peeing and other stuff.

Session is good, but he suffers from a more mild version of what Flake, Corker, and others have.

Just because Hillary is not in jail says more about the state of the news media than actual facts.

If you can look at yourself in the mirror and think you can hold h your head high just because the DNC has not been convicted yet, you are special.

It is telling that you got into computers because of free centerfolds. I guess you are different than me. I remember telling a recruiter at a job fair that my goal was to be able to afford a workstation for home use (I meant it and yes the recruiter looked at me like I was nuts.). I guess all of us do not think in small circles.

War News Updates Editor said...

I agree Fred. Let the law work this out. But this has become so politicized even before Trump was inaugurated .... and now we know who put together this Russian dossier and their motivations for doing so culminating in the appointment of a Special Counsel who was directly involved is suppressing information pertaining to Russia and the Clintons .... bottom line .... I have legitimate doubts, and my life experience has taught me that it is foolish to have a leap of faith on these matters.

Unknown said...

"culminating in the appointment of a Special Counsel who was directly involved is suppressing information pertaining to Russia and the Clintons " - WNU

So Manafort for Jay walking (figuratively speaking) Of course Manafort is guilty as sin unless he pays a bribe a la Marc Rich to a noble and virtuous Clinton

While Hillary, Mueller, Comey, & others walk away from Class X felonies.

fred said...

WHAT IN GOD'S name is wrong with you?
Why do you have a need to insult those who do not agree with your anti- liberal bias, your nonstop venom?
You are damaged goods

Unknown said...


I often provide links to back up what I post.

You provided the reasons why you do what you did, yesterday.

fred lapides said...
I learned when I was told there was lots of free porn
October 27, 2017 at 12:05 AM

Monica Lewinsky is damaged goods. She is a very attractive woman, but a Democrat President happened to her and the rest is ....