Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Crisis In Catalonia -- News Updates October 25, 2017

Reuters: Crisis over Catalan independence nears crucial few days

BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont kept friends and foes guessing on Wednesday on whether he intends to unilaterally declare independence as the Spanish government prepares to impose direct rule to stop the region breaking away.

Puigdemont spurned an invitation to explain his position to the Senate in Madrid on Thursday – an indication of the rigid stands taken by both sides in Spain’s gravest political crisis since the end of the Franco dictatorship in 1975.

He also kept his silence on whether to call for a new regional election, a move which might prompt the Madrid government to postpone its plan to take over Catalonia’s institutions and police.

The next few days could prove crucial in the battle of wills that has followed an independence referendum on Oct. 1, which Madrid declared illegal and the Catalan government said endorsed its claim to statehood.

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Crisis In Catalonia -- News Updates October 25, 2017

Catalan vice-president says independence is only remaining option -- The Guardian
Catalan VP says Spain 'gives us no option' but to secede -- Washington Post
Catalonia vice president says Spain has given region no choice but to declare 'new republic' -- The Independent
Catalan Separatist Leader Turns Down Chance to Talk to Spanish Senate -- US News and World Report/Reuters
Catalan Separatists Hint at Retreat as Activists Ready to Rumble -- Bloomberg
Catalan Secessionists Mull Snap Election as Madrid Hangs Tough -- The Wire
Spain's government says it's prepared to discipline disobedient Catalans -- CNBC
Spanish government wants to restore "normality and legality" in Catalonia -- Euronews
Spain's PM hopes intervention in Catalonia will be brief --

1 comment:

D.Plowman said...

Puigdemont, who I will just call Pudgy since that's easier, is certainly acting odd for a man who before very much supported the independence move.

Has he got cold feet? I think so.

I think he's starting to regret this whole independent movement.

If I was Catalan and was for pro-independence, I'd be very angry at Pudgy for the silence coming from him in regards to Catalan independence.

Even if such a gesture is symbolic in nature, announcing the independence would create waves. It be much better than the alternative of silence, which will only anger his own side even more. Instead, he's drowning in his own mess that he help create.