Thursday, October 26, 2017

Former US President George Bush Apologises For Past Butt Groping And Lewd Jokes

BBC: George Bush Senior's second apology after sex assault claims

Former US President George Bush Senior has issued a second apology to "anyone he has offended" after a second allegation of sexual assault emerged.

Actress Jordana Grolnick told US website Deadspin Mr Bush groped her in 2016 after announcing his favourite magician was "David Cop-a-Feel".

Another actress, Heather Lind, had already come forward to say the former president had "touched me from behind".

Mr Bush's spokesman said it was supposed to put people "at ease".

"At age 93, President Bush has been confined to a wheelchair for roughly five years, so his arm falls on the lower waist of people with whom he takes pictures," the spokesman said in a statement supplied to media outlets.

Read more ....

Update: George HW Bush issues new statement as second actor accuses him of sexual assault (The Guardian).

WNU Editor: This story about former President Bush and people's butts have been around for a very long time. A Russian diplomat told me years ago that what he and the entire Russian delegation in Washington found uniquely strange about the former President was his common remarks on people's butts, and his embarrassing sex jokes. Knowing this Russian diplomat .... he probably was the one who laughed the loudest on the jokes. But that was then .... as we all know the culture and environment has completely changed. My prediction .... expect more apologies from the former President in the coming weeks.


D.Plowman said...

"But that was then .... as we all know the culture and environment has completely changed."

Hmm... Was there ever a time when groping stranger's butts was considered normal and fine?

War News Updates Editor said...

D. Plowman .... you would be surprised. And I have seen far worse.

fred said...

For me, the most interesting thing about this issue is that the male human, no matter how old, decrepit, impotent, etc. still is turned on, excited, by an attractive female.

Anonymous said...

Notwithstanding that there may be a history of behavior going back a ways, my view is that 90 year old men should not only be excused for pinching the bottom of ladies dignified or otherwise, but that women generally should look forward to the opportunity and encourage it.

They may be 90 some day too.

Anonymous said...

I have been dealing with my aging mother for the last couple of years, trips to the hospital and doctors office are very routine and most of the other patients that I come in contact with are older folks. There is definitely a point in someones life when the filter gets switched off, and usually it's pretty humorous, but sometimes can be a bit annoying or even offensive. Throw in surgery recovery when your around people coming off of dear what comes out of these peoples mouths, nurses get paid well for a reason. I no longer would take insult from anything an older person says or does, the way they drive down the road holding up traffic, their complaining or rudeness, this is just the course of slowing down and eventually dying, and for any of us that live to be old, whether you want it or not, it's probably going to happen to you. Let's just hope that people understand not to take the things you say and do personally, thankfully medical professionals already understand this.

Unknown said...

Mitterand had a mistress. At least that is consensual or at least quasi-consensual.

Putin has or had a mistress.

Trump is on his 3rd marriage.

All 3 are better than pinching bottoms and stuff.

Unknown said...

Someone better check George H.W. Bush's computer. Maybe he cuts and pastes pictures.

fred said...

I am only 88 so is it ok for me to or should I wait 2 more years?

Unknown said...

Benedict Arnold was a hero. He had good military service. Then he was a traitor.

George H.W. Bush had good military service. Then he was a RINO and a dirty old man.

John McCain had food military service, when he wasn't hot dogging. Then he was a RINO & vain.

John McCain thinks his military service is a shield for his petulant, brainless antics. It is not. George H.W. Bush had good military service and he is going to take a hit in the polls. McCain should take a hint.

Anonymous said...

Fred, the fact that you are 88 and can use a computer says a lot about your abilities. Lots of relatives in my family over the age of 80 that have no idea how to even turn on a computer, and these aren't just hillbillies but retired attorneys, nurses, and priests...

fred said...

Both will be fondly remembered when the deplorabed forgitten

fred said...

I learned when I was told there was lots of free porn

Anonymous said...

You have to wait two more years, sorry buddy :p

Chase jones said...
