Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Google Believes Russian Operatives Used Their Platform To Influence The U.S. Presidential Election

Washington Post: Google uncovers Russian-bought ads on YouTube, Gmail and other platform

SAN FRANCISCO — Google for the first time has uncovered evidence that Russian operatives exploited the company’s platforms in an attempt to interfere in the 2016 election, according to people familiar with the company's investigation.

The Silicon Valley giant has found that tens of thousands of dollars were spent on ads by Russian agents who aimed to spread disinformation across Google’s many products, which include YouTube, as well as advertising associated with Google search, Gmail, and the company’s DoubleClick ad network, the people said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss matters that have not been made public. Google runs the world’s largest online advertising business, and YouTube is the world’s largest online video site.

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WNU Editor: So spending a few thousand dollars on Google platforms has more of an impact than the billions that were spent elsewhere in influencing the U.S. Presidential election. My advice to these "Russian operatives" is that they should set up a consulting company specialising on elections in the U.S. .... they are clearly far more effective than the existing high cost firms whose focus is on winning elections. On a side note, Microsoft is now investigating if they were also "used" .... Microsoft Investigates 'Inappropriate' Pro-Trump Russian Ads on Bing Search Engine (Newsweek)

More News On Reports That Google Believes Russian Operatives Used Their Platform To Influence The U.S. Presidential Election

Google Uncovered Russia-Backed Ads on YouTube, Gmail : Source -- US News and World Report/Reuters
How Russia Harvested American Rage to Reshape US Politics -- New York Times
Google uncovers Russia-linked ad campaigns aimed at manipulating US election -- DW
Google discovers operatives spent thousands on Russian-backed ads during US election: reports -- ABC News Online
Google investigating $100000 worth of shadowy Russian-bought adverts -- The Telegraph
Google 'uncovers Russian ad campaign linked to US election' -- BBC
Google Unearths Russia-Backed Ads Related to US Politics on Its Platforms -- Wall Street Journal
It's More Than Just Facebook—Russian Accounts Bought Ads on Google, YouTube, and Gmail -- GQ Magazine


Anonymous said...

Don't just write this off cause you love trump...

Chase jones said...

And u keep dreamin because u dont like him and u lost

Anonymous said...

Were the operatives 10 feet tall?

fred said...


If you think the Russian messing with our elections is ok if your guy got in, then i served in our military for a fool. I would prefer this or that candiate won in an election without an intruding enemy nation, but you seem happy with the Russian inteference. Drink your vodka, comrade

B.Poster said...

Forbes had this right when it pointed out that Vladimir Putin is the most powerful person in the world. As such, he and the country he leads are going to be focused on more important matters than a US election.

As a declining, has been power, that never was what its leaders seem to think it is, ever was, or likely ever could be, Russia and its leaders are not going to have much interest in the US election. At most, it will be a side issue that the Russian leadership wouldn't take much involvement in. To use an analogy, "a blip on the radar screen" that the power brokers are not focused on/

Google, Facebook, US leaders, etc need to GET OVER THEMSELVES!! They are NOT that important. There is a mental illness that describes people affected with delusions of grandeur. These people are clearly infected with it. They need professional help.

As for what US leaders should be doing, study Russia and China. Become experts on these countries. As basic questions such as "how do they do things?" What things and processes that are doing can we implement here?" Are they willing to provide us with expert guidance on how they are doing things?" If one wants to be the best, study the best!!

From this point, ask questions such as "how can we add value to the leaders of these countries, their citizens, etc?" People seeking to advance in organizations have been doing this sort of calculus for centuries. Essentially adding value to the leadership and seeking positive relations with the leadership has potential for advancement. Alienating the leadership typically ends badly.


"Don't just write this off because you love Trump..." There's no evidence that the editor loves Trump. Very respectfully read the blog in its entirety before making such statements. As I have pointed out, Trump did seek to improve relations with Russia whereas Hillary sought to inflame these tensions. In this regard, candidate Trump was wise. Unfortunately he lacks or lacked the strength of character to veto the bill imposing more sanctions. While Congress would have overridden the veto, it would have sent a powerful message to Russia's leaders and its people.


"Were the operatives 10 feet tall?" Probably not. Even if they were a US elections simply isn't important enough for such operatives to spend time on.

fred said...


the note not to write it off because you like trump is not a ref to the editor of this site but rather a generalization about the elections and trump, ie, do not dismiss inteference because you like the outcome of the election.
Poster: you are naive if you think those social platforms are not all that important. they are important enough for the Russians to make use of them. That is, The Russians know of their importance. And your notion of those who disagree with you have mental issues is clearly out of Mr Smith's limited playbook of boiler plate comments...

B.Poster said...


Evidence needs to be presented of this so called Russian interference. So far the evidence is lacking. While you are correct to point out that it is not a good idea to write off allegations of wrongdoing on the winning side of an election simply because one likes the outcome of an election, the reverse is also true. It is not a good idea to assume wrongdoing on the part of the winning side in an election because one did not like the outcome.

Social media platforms are not particularly important in election campaigning. While they might tell us how someone will vote if analyzed properly, they are not going to contribute to winning new converts or, if they do, it is going to be very minimal. It would be sort of like a poorly aimed child's water pistol when compared to ocean of influence directed elsewhere.

As stated, evidence needs to be presented. More resources have been devoted to trying to prove such Russian meddling yet they still can't come up with anything tangible. The article does not provide any evidence. Google officials, Facebook officials, "US (un)intelligence" officials concluded is not good enough. None of these people have particularly good track records when it comes to things like this. As such, it would be unwise to trust them. At a minimum, we are going to needs sources and methods, names, addresses, etc of all involved. This includes both the investigators and the accused.

Such is not forthcoming because the whole thing is likely a scam. Additionally such accusations could be deemed offensive to a Trump supporter as it implies they are not capable of making informed decisions on their own. Very respectfully, this is probably not going to be a constructive way to win friends and influence people.

Now as to the mental illness accusation. This was directed at our leaders. These people would unfortunately meet a text book definition of "narcissistic personality disorder." You can look this up. Essentially part of this is where a person has an inflated view of themselves and their importance. Another way to put this is some have a grandiose image of themselves. Essentially they thing they are more important than they really are. You aren't important enough for the Russians to spend any degree of time or effort trying to influence you. It's long past time for the narcissists in US leadership to go away and leave the rest of us alone and allow us to live in peace!!

As you probably recall, when HRC first began to recklessly make accusations against the Russians during the election campaign, at the time, I pointed out she either had a.) the mind of an impudent child throwing a temper tantrum because she wasn't getting her way. I likened this to a child playing with matches under the bed or b.)she and her team were/are pathologically insane.

I think it is most likely a. Either way we could stop right there as either way she was/unfit for office of any type. I think this is one of those lies that got away from her and took on a life of its own.

fred said...

Congress summons Goggle, Twitter, and Facebook...I suspect they have evidence and want more details...do you think RUSSIANS TARGETING OUR TROOPS AND VETERANS IS OK? Read for proof.
took on a life of its own? we have FBI, Mueller, and at least 3 groups in the House and Senate investigating...you think that is a fluke after all this time..I will await the outcome; you prefer a ready dismissal...

Anonymous said...

All Trump supporters BELIVE every single word that moron says... So to them it's "fake news"

Anonymous said...

When WW3 starts Trump supporters be like "HER EMAILS THO!"

B.Poster said...


Thanks for the reply. With all due respect the article you link to provides no proof, simply more of he said/she said stuff that would not be admissible in any kind of court. Also, the biases of Facebook and the others mentioned here are well known.

More time and effort has been spent on this by pretty much the entire federal government than on pretty much anything else and STILL no proof.

Yes the lie has taken on a life of its own. The American (in) justice has long gone after people who were a.) low level operatives who had little to no support anyway and b.)people without the means to afford or mount a proper defense. Never before has it been directed against a duly elected president with idea of a de facto coup against him. Regardless of the outcome after this Americans will no longer be able to blithely pretend we have a justice system.

As for anyone targeting US troops, I'd say the US government is doing a fine job of that, mistreating them, subjecting them to substandard healthcare through the VA, and sending them on fruitless foreign endeavors that DO NOT advance American interests but in fact undermine them all while placing their lives in danger.

As stated, one should not dismiss out of hand allegations just because they supported a certain candidate. On the flip side, one should not automatically assume the allegations to be true just because they oppose a certain candidate.

As for the investigation, the teams have had unlimited, time, resources, and funds to investigate this. As such, it is time to present their findings. Since they have none, it is time to close the cases. Continuing is what is commonly called a "fishing expedition" and is generally not admissible. In event the world is watching and American democracy has been pretty revealed to be a farce. Of course those paying attention already knew this.

I will reiterate the Russian accusation is very likely insulting to the people who voted for Trump and, as no proof has been presented, it may imply that the people pushing the narrative believe Americans who voted a certain way are incapable of making informed decisions. This is not going to be a good strategy for winning friends and influencing people with these voters. Americans and their leaders simply aren't important enough that Russians or their leaders are going to spend a great deal of time or effort trying to influence them. Some need to get over their delusions of grandeur.

I can also say with pretty near certainty that this witch hunt has upset and probably destroyed a very careful and meticulously put together over many months and very likely many years a diplomatic effort that may have ended or at least greatly defused Cold War 2. Cold War 2 is a conflict we don't need, lack the resources to prosecute effectively, and can't afford.

This was all done because SOMEONE cannot come to terms with the fact that they lost. It is highly probable that the mothers of some of these people will curse the day they gave birth to these people.

Anonymous said...

Ridicolous claim, but like a infamous pomitician once said, people are not so stupid as you think, they are much more stupid.

B.Poster said...


I'm not sure to whom you are directing your comment to. You are generally correct here unfortunately people can be stupid. This is due in large part to two basic factors. 1.) Groupthink, essentially an influential member of a group comes up with an idea no matter hare brained it may be and the others want to go along. Individuals are generally quite bright, groups not always so much. 2.)Ideology, essentially a set of beliefs someone adheres to no matter the evidence against it. Perhaps their identity is tied to the belief so much they'd feel inadequate if the belief turns out to be incorrect. It seems some would cling to an ideology to the point of death.

With regards to ideolgy I state "probably" and "it seems" because I do not understand ideolgy. I can understand group think.

Examples of both are the notion that the Russians interfered in any significant way in the US elections. The lie has been aided and abetted by the fact that some have a higher opinion of themselves than is warranted. You aren't important enough that Russian officials are going to spend time and resources trying to influence you.

Of course the US has time and again meddled in Russian affairs. As such, blowback might be expected. If you stick your hand in a beehive, expect to be stung!! Furthermore there's no good reason to do such things. When one does such things, one should not be surprised when they get hurt. Of course those who suffer from narassistic personality disorder as US leaders seem to may think basic laws of nature simply don't apply to them!!