Sunday, October 15, 2017

Iraqi Forces Have Launced A Military Operation To Seize Kurdish-Held Oil Fields In Kirkuk

Washington Post: Iraqi forces launch operation for Kurdish-held oil fields, military base

BAGHDAD – Iraqi forces advanced towards oil fields and a military base near the Kurdish city of Kirkuk in the early hours of Monday morning, a Kurdish official and Iraqi officers said.

Two officers with Iraq’s counterterrorism forces, which trained closely with the United States, said their forces were mobilizing as part of the operation. Kurdish peshmerga troops who are defending the area are also U.S.-armed and trained.

No resistance was reported as the operation was launched, and Iraqi troops said they had been instructed to avoid violence.

Kurdistan’s vote for independence last month has sharpened long-standing disputes between Baghdad and Kurdistan’s semi-autonomous government in the north over land and oil.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Some are speculating that Iranian-backed militias are pushing Baghdad to launch an offensive against the Kurds ....Iran likely to test US reaction by ordering PMU assault on Kurdish forces in Iraq's Kirkuk province (Janes). On a side note .... before today's Iraqi military operation, did Iran's Soleimani go to Kurdish controlled Iraq to deliver an ultimatum/warning? ..... Iran's Soleimani arrives in Kurdish region for talks about crisis with Baghdad (Reuters).

More News On Iraqi Forces Seizing Kurdish-Held Oilfields In Kirkuk

Iraqi forces take control of 'vast areas' in Kirkuk region - state TV -- Reuters
Iraqi forces launch 'major' Kirkuk operation -- Al Jazeera
Shots Fired in Flashpoint City as Iraqi, Kurdish Forces Stand Off in Kirkuk -- VOA
Iraq says Kurds brought PKK fighters to Kirkuk in 'declaration of war' -- Al-Arabiya
Baghdad accuses Kurdish forces of making a 'declaration of war' -- The Telegraph
Iraq accuses Kurds of 'declaration of war' in Kirkuk -- Al Jazeera
UPDATED: Iran shuts borders with Kurdistan Region -- Rudaw


Unknown said...

Scrap the nuke deal.

If their navy threatens, sink it. They been threatening navy ships forever. They threatened the Blue Ridge, when it was off the coast of Oman and swarmed it. We'll see how good Chinese Silkworm missiles are.

Read Mutti the riot act. Put every sanction in place.

Anonymous said...

Just couldn't wait until you cleared ISIS out first...

Anonymous said...

Aizino, didn't your mom hug you enough as a child? Did your dad go out for smokes and not come back?

Do have friends, someone you can talk to? You seem like a sad, liddle, lonely sourpuss.

Jon said...

Anon Smiths comments are mostly back on track these days. Keep your pathetic comments to yourself and focus on the content that WNU tirelessly provides for everyone!!

Andrew Jackson said...

Anonymous is Putins girlfriend,lol!!!

Unknown said...

"Anon Smiths comments are mostly back on track these days" - Unknown

There are 3 maybe four anons. I thought there were 2 or 3 and Jay corrected me and listed 3 or 4.

So when you say anon s back on track that is an ambiguous statement.

Unknown said...


Talking about 3 or 4 people posting as anon got me to thinking about the Air Force trolling software.

I think a person could program this too.

"Ntrepid, a cybersecurity firm headquartered in Virginia, once received a contract for “online persona management,” allowing for a US Air Force soldier to control up to ten troll accounts using a virtual private network (VPN), among other tools, according to The Guardian."

If you watch how stuff hand stuff off to other stuff ...

You could have great fun, but just not here.