Saturday, October 14, 2017

Is Iran Targeting U.S. Soldiers With IEDs In Iraq?

Long War Journal: Iranian-linked bomb kills American solider in Iraq

A lethal bomb generally associated with Iran and its proxies has reemerged in Iraq after a six year hiatus, killing an American soldier. The Washington Post first reported that an explosively formed penetrator (EFP) was used in a roadside attack that occurred in Salah ad-Din province on Oct. 1.

The commander of Operation Inherent Resolve Land Component confirmed during his briefing today that a steel EFP struck a US vehicle at a dip in the road along Route Tampa. The bombing occurred as the Islamic State’s territorial control in Iraq wanes.

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WNU Editor: It will not be the first time that Shiite militias backed by Iran are targeting U.S. troops. There is more information here .... Lethal roadside bomb that killed scores of U.S. troops reappears in Iraq (Washington Post), and here .... Deadliest IED Back on Iraq Battlefield (


Unknown said...

Is this the Iranians way of the severe consequences they are always talking about

Unknown said...

1)This incident happened before Trump pulled out the terrible, treasonous Iranian nuke deal.

2) The planning and supply chain happened before October 1st if it were Iraqi Shia made or Iranian made. If it were Iranian made the supply chain is longer.

3) The Neanderthal Iraqi militias, Kata'ib Hezbollah, The Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia, Al Sadr, threatened to kill U.S. soldiers. The Asaib Ahl al-Haq made their threat on March 2016.

The militias started making these threats before Trump was elected president and when the lying polls said that Hillary would be president. Hillary would have definitely upheld the bad deal. This is not solely about the Iranian nuke deal. It would have happened with or without the pullout from the liberal Obama's bad deal, which BTW was never ratified and so does not have the force of law.

So why are we there? We are taking casualties, when we could have avoided them. The U.S. assisted the Iraqis and thus decreased the militias casualties.

While we benefited them & they harm us. That is as they say "Fucked UP!".

The Iranians do not want to have a war right now. So, they will pick off a marine here or there. They will not kill so many at once as to cause a reaction. The U.S. likewise won’t declare war, but may do things short of it that will cause liberals to climb the curtains.

"Iran-backed Shia militia says it will fight US Marines deployed to Iraq" - The Telegraph

Unknown said...

The Washington Post piece is a fairy tale told to snowflakes.

It contains both fact and fiction. To tell a lie you start with a germ of truth.

The purpose of the Post story is to inoculate the faithful against the truth. The narrative is to blame ISIS instead of Iran. Barring that it is to seed doubt that maybe ISIS did do it and thus any action to retaliate against Iran or make Iran account for the deaths is illegitimate.

ISIS is on the run. The are going under cover and hiding. The are scurrying along rat line to flee to Libya and elsewhere many have been killed or captured. It is feasible that ISIS could have done this, but it is nowhere near as likely as Iran or one of its sponsored militias did it.

The WaPo wanted to cast doubt so they found the one official who said

"said one U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.

Given that there are official on all sides of the spectrum it is not hard for the WaPo to find one to fulfill their mission of muddying the waters.

Just remember that Media Matters says it can buy so called journalists.

Anonymous said...

I remember Iran doing this before in the second Iraq war - killing hundreds of US soldiers with those metal shape bombs. That's the reason why troops didn't want to drive the original humvee as it didn't have the armor necessary to survive this.