Monday, October 2, 2017

Is North Korea's 'CIA' A Threat To North America?


Dave Mujumdar, National Interest: Should America Fear North Korea's 'CIA'?

North Korean intelligence apparatus is one of Pyongyang’s strong suites. Indeed, Pyongyang’s security services have demonstrated their ability to strike far from home as was shown during the assassination of Kim Jong-Nam—elder half-brother to the North Korean despot—in Malaysia. The Kim regime’s intelligence apparatus is ruthless and effective and could be used to good effect during any conflict on the Korean peninsula.

North Korea maintains an extensive intelligence collection and security apparatus—as might be expected of a totalitarian regime such as the so-called Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

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WNU Editor: In the past North Korea did target South Korean leaders for assassination, as well as kidnapping Japanese civilians. Would the North Koreans shift their focus and start to target the U.S. directly .... with this regime nothing surprises me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People say Kim Jong Un is more rationale than we give him credit for. And that might very well be. But he is also someone who had his brother just recently killed with a nerve agent at an international airport, in front of cameras. So he certainly doesn't give much about what anyone thinks of him. Like how can anyone in his family trust him? So he must be someone who is absolutely ok with no trust for his entire life. But it also means that he has no one he can talk to in return - at least not on a deep trust level. Means he is extremely isolated. His joy is probably the nuclear weapons, as they will ease his paranoia a bit (who in his right mind would attack such a guy, right?) Still holding on to the "he is so rationale" paradigm? Ok then.. well, he's also someone who had people be mauled to death by dogs, and people shot to pieces by anti aircraft guns. Still rationale? OK then...lets see.. he is threatening nuclear annihilation to the US and has had his propaganda team produces videos of people engulfed in flames.. some heavy FX editing to make a rationale point. Still rationale? Ok then... lets see..

Guys ffs that's not a rationale guy and he has hydrogen bomb soon. Can we go on with this and take him out before he takes out several million of us?