Thursday, October 5, 2017

Is U.S. Military Capabilities Eroding?

Threats around the world show no sign of abating at a time when U.S. military readiness is suffering, a new report warns. (Marvin Krause/U.S. Air Force)

Defense News: ‘A significantly weaker America’: Major study warns of eroding US military

WASHINGTON — U.S. military capabilities continued to stand still or erode as world threats proliferated during 2017, a new study is warning.

Those are the findings of The Heritage Foundation’s 2018 Index of U.S. Military Strength, which offers reviews of the past year’s defense issues.

The index, which will be released Oct. 5, may take on extra influence this year. While previous editions were well regarded, Heritage is the think tank with the closest ties to the Trump administration and is viewed as having a major influence on discussions within the White House and conservative members of Congress.

Read more ....

Update: US remains the world's most dominant military power. But that power is dwindling rapidly (FOX News).

WNU Editor: The Heritage Foundation Index of U.S. Military Strength's report is here .... U.S. Military Strength (Heritage Foundation).


Bob Huntley said...

RE-asses the "threats" and eliminate those that were created for convenience. That should reduce the demand significantly. Let the locals fight it out and the winner take all.

Unknown said...

Something was RE-assed. That is for sure.

Someone could have started with the QDR.

They could have started with a statistics book. I would suggest starting with the Poisson distribution. That might be beyond something needing a cylinder rebore.

If you go the statistics route, you might continue to comparative studies of chimpanzees, lions or other animals to check your 'math' & psych.

One might continue further with ontology.

Bob Huntley said...

Or humanity as in why do you consider the Navy Seal that murdered the 8 year old girl a hero. Is he you favorite?

Think about what it takes to aim a gun at a little girl and kill her. Does it take more bravery and heroism than say the guy that shot up the kids at Sandy Hook?

Unknown said...

No one was firing back at Sandy Hook.

In Yemen there were dozens or scores if not more of people firing back.

BTW your hero, Bob Bergdahl, pleaded guilty.