Friday, October 6, 2017

Is The U.S. Targeting Canada's Aerospace Giant Bombardier Because It Is A Defense Firm?

The Hill: McCain, Flake warn against 'politically-motivated penalties' for Canadian defense firm

Arizona Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake are pushing the International Trade Commission (ITC) to “deliberate thoughtfully” before potentially issuing a crippling tariff on commercial jets from Canadian defense firm Bombardier.

“U.S. trade laws should be dutifully enforced,” the Republican senators wrote in a Sept. 28 letter to commission Chairwoman Rhonda Schmidtlein.

“In doing so, we urge the ITC to avoid levying unnecessary or politically-motivated penalties that could have negative impacts on aerospace employees, U.S. air carriers, and airline consumers.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Arizona Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake are wrong in labeling Bombardier as a defense firm. Bombardier Inc. is a multinational aerospace and transportation company based in Montreal, Quebec that is focused on planes and trains/subways sold off its military division 4 years ago (see link here). The U.S. tariffs against Bombardier are in response to the Canadian and Quebec financial government support of the company .... which I have outlined more than once in this blog is massive.


Unknown said...

Senator Flake is a flake.

He is not well liked. If polls at iffy he might not run again. If they are iffy, he might be primaried to turn him out of office. None of the pundits I listen to on the radio like him. Glenn Beck use to talk him up, but has grown disgusted with the flake.

McCain never had all his oars in the water due to lack of effort or hubris. Now, he has brain cancer. Can it get better?

Both Arizona senators are RINO losers.

I guess being political piƱata being dumped on by the MSM, Democrats, and real Republicans is okay for these two so long as they get their congressional pension (after 6 years of 'service') and become multi-millionaires.

zampathar said...

smith you dick he has brain CANCER!!! wtf would he want with a pension. you claim to be smart. i would really love to meet you, then see if you can still manage to type and talk .

Unknown said...

" would really love to meet you, then see if you can still manage to type and talk ."

In general many if most of these RINOs get the Hell beat out of them by the press. McCain is the poster boy for this. Opposition by RINOs looks not so much as principled opposition than Kabuki theater. The scrum inside the Beltway seems like it is a deception to fool 1/2 or all the country while the denizens of the swamp do what they want to do. So I have no sympathy for actors in that play.

I also have no sympathy for octogenarian politicians. It is positively Soviet. We have politicians, who die in office of the diseases of old age like Ted Kennedy. McCain seems bound and determined to follow Ted's illustrious example. So sympathy? Hell No!

Then there is McCain the underachiever, who gets passes and advances due to his social position (Into the academy, multiple plane crashes, and marrying a scion for her youth, beauty, & MONEY).

After he gets there, he does not bone up on what he needs to know.

“The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should,”

- McCain December 2007

"I would really love to meet you, then see if you can still manage to type and talk ."

I most assuredly would.

Find the appropriate quote from the link below and buy yourself a bus ticket.

Anonymous said...

Lol as usual the guy that is busy talking doesn't realise what's about to happen to him. My bet even at his age Fred would still knock you out. Words won't help you then smith. In my country you wouldn't have made it this far in life without having your teeth punched out at least once. So is it A- you are very fortunate & this happened to you yet ( probably never seeing daylight would help you here) Or B- your just plain stupid in this area, like a worthless dog that can't be trained? Nah i'm only messing with you smith, I know this site is your whole world so whatever works for you cobba. Feel free to go nuts on me with your comments. Haha especially when you really get wound up & your comments become unreadable, that's awesome!! Zampathar