Thursday, October 5, 2017

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 5, 2017

VOA: US Military Confirms Death of 3 Soldiers in Niger

The U.S. military has confirmed three U.S. service members were killed and two others injured when a joint U.S.-Niger military patrol was attacked Wednesday in southwestern Niger.

The statement from the U.S. Africa Command says one soldier from a "partner nation" was also killed, without identifying the nationality of the victim.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack on the patrol, which AFRICOM said took place about 200 kilometers north of Niger's capital, Niamey, not far from the Niger-Mali border.

Read more ....

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 5, 2017

Elite US troops killed and wounded during surprise attack in Niger -- Washington Post

Russia threatens US forces, calls America an obstacle to defeating ISIS in Syria -- Military Times

Russia's New Experimental ICBM Warheads -- Ankit Panda, The Diplomat

The True Purpose of Russia's Zapad Military Exercises: Why Moscow Wanted to Send a Message to Minsk -- Emily Ferris, Foreign Affairs

NATO Needs a Long-Term Strategy to Counter Russia -- Daniel Gouré, RCD

Australia to upgrade submarines, frigates -- UPI

What the J-20 Fighter's Arrival Means for China's Power Projection Capabilities -- Sputnik

No Respite for Indian Military From Chilly Himalayas Amid Chinese Buildup -- Sputnik

Japanese F-15 jet loses part of missile during emergency take-off -- RT

US offers S$154 million missile deal to Japan as allies face growing threat from North Korea -- The Straits Times

US Clears Sale of Advanced Missiles to Japan -- The Diplomat

Japan rules out intercepting North Korean missile tests -- Financial Times

Alarmed Allies Prepare to Defend Against North Korea’s Missiles -- RCD

A 1957 CIA report explains why North Korea's missile threat is so urgent -- Tom Rogan, Washington Examiner

James Stavridis: An expert's assessment on US options over North Korea -- Nikkei Asian Review

North Korea Says U.S. Military Using New Base in Israel To Take Over Middle East -- Newsweek

Canada's Liberal government faces heightened political pressure over North Korean missile threat -- CBC

European banks are key to North Korea's advance in missile technology -- The Hill

German prosecutors close case on NSA spying scandal -- DW

Valve may lead to cabin pressure problems in Super Hornets, Growlers -- Navy Times

US Navy to repair damaged destroyer in Japan -- Defense News

Lockheed, Rockwell to develop airborne C2 system for launching ICBMs -- Defense News

Evolving Challenges: Redeploying the Nuclear Tomahawk -- RCD

Pentagon pumping millions more into missile defense -- Washington Post

B-1B To Fly Through 2040 Without Major Life Extension -- Aviation Week

Future Vertical Lift: The Army Could Field Its Next-Gen Rotorcraft Much Faster -- Loren Thompson, Forbes

Marines test 3D-printed small drones -- UPI

CIA Director says more agents being sent into field -- FOX News/AP

Hurricane deployments stretch US military thin -- CNN

The Military Is Finally Mobilizing Tactical Hospitals for Puerto Rico -- Motherboard

McCain, Flake warn against 'politically-motivated penalties' for Canadian defense firm -- The Hill

Rubio asks Army to kick out West Point grad with pro-communist posts -- The Hill

The Long Reach of Guantánamo Bay Military Commissions -- New York Times

US remains the world's most dominant military power. But that power is dwindling rapidly -- FOX News


B.Poster said...

Why were US forces patrolling in Niger? Where was the Congressional declaration of war as is required by our constitution to authorize this? Where and when was this presented to the American people so they could make the decision as to whether or not our young people should risk their lives for Niger? When did the American people sign off on this? When was it explained to the American people why their young people needed to die for Niger? In other words, why did our people die for Niger?

I couldn't access the last article the one from Fox News from the website here. I will try an access it elsewhere time permitting. Judging by the headline Fox is a bit slow on the uptake. The US has already lost its position as the world's top military power. Russia, China, and likely several others surpassed it long ago. I am pleased to see Fox News is FINALLY catching on. It's a baby step in the right direction but it is a step in the right direction nonetheless.

If US leaders can adjust to reality and recognize that the US has potential as mid power ranking in power slightly below countries like Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, India, Brazil, Italy, and a host of other "western" and the non "western" countries mentioned, good outcomes for America and its people are still possible. Failure to recognize reality can only end badly.

For its national defense, the US absolutely MUST maintain a nuclear deterrent. As candidate Trump correctly pointed out, given the poor maintenance and training of the personnel involved with this, we can't even be sure it will actually work if needed. This will need to be addressed for it is the only way we can expect the world's top powers to respect us much less actually consider us in their decision making.

fred said...

dear pb

we no longer declare war since Truman...we meaning the pres., gives goahead and then congress funds like good little congress people
If you had to declare war
and if you had a draft
then the American public would have a say in going to war

Unknown said...

"Why were US forces patrolling in Niger? " - BP

For the same reason the French are in Mali.

If they were not there would be black crescent from northern Nigeria to Libya.

If that happened BP would have to be part of a militia in his neighborhood to stay safe from new jihadi recruits, if he truly lives north of Dallas or in the U.S.