Tuesday, October 10, 2017

More Extreme Bias Exposed At The New York Times

The sun peaks over the New York Times Building in New York August 14, 2013. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

Epoch Times: Undercover Video Shows Anti-Trump Bias of New York Times Staffer

A video containing undercover recordings published by Project Veritas on Oct. 10 shows the political bias against President Donald Trump by one of The New York Times editors in its video department.

In the recordings, Nicholas Dudich, the Times’ Audience Strategy Editor for video, claims to have worked for the political campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and shows that he has no problem bringing his political bias into news stories.

When asked by an undercover reporter whether he can make sure his message is heard as a gatekeeper for videos at The New York Times, he replies, “my imprint is on every video we do …. so I like that.”

In a different recording Dudich quips, “I will be ‘objective.’ No I’m not. That’s why I’m there.”

Read more ....

Update: O'Keefe Strikes Again, Catches NYT Editors On Hidden Camera: "Targeting Trump's Businesses, His Dumb F**k Of A Son" (Zero Hedge).

WNU editor: I am posting this story because I have been a New York Times reader since the 1980s ... and I am a current paid subscriber. I have always regarded their coverage of international news to be excellent, while on the flip side I have always regarded their coverage of U.S. politics to be beyond horrible. That is why I am not surprised by this Project Veritas expose .... even if 10% of it is only true, it is a sad indictment of the paper that prides itself to be one of the best in America. And here is an easy prediction .... the Times’ Audience Strategy Editor for video Nicholas Dudich who has been exposed is probably going to be told to resign .... and for the simple reason because he told the truth. On a side note .... and talk about bad timing .... New York Times Op-Ed Nicholas Kristof emailed me this link this morning (yes .... people from the New York Times do read this blog). Even though I am usually in disagreement with Nicholas Kristof, he treats people with respect and consideration .... and he represents what I believe a journalist should be. But Mr. Kristof .... your newspaper has a serious problem if  people like Nicholas Dudich are hanging around.


Unknown said...

Prediction: Unless the statute of limitations has run out or there is only 1 or 2 women that lawyers can threaten and silence, Democrat mega-donor Harvey Weinstein is going to jail.

The New Yorker magazine has reported that 3 women were raped by Harvey. Around a dozen execs knew

"The report includes new accounts from three women who allege that Weinstein forced them to perform or receive oral sex and forced vaginal sex, as well as four women who told the magazine that they experienced unwanted touching that could be classified as an assault. It also includes an audio clip from a 2015 New York Police Department sting operation in which Weinstein can be heard pressuring a woman to come into his hotel room and seemingly admit groping her"


What I heard on local radio is that a dozen or more execs knew!

We have to ask this about Democrat Media, Democrat politicians, & Hollywood.

“What did they know and when did they know it?"


fred said...

and then, said Smith, I will focus on Trump the pussy grabber and Roger Ailes and Shawn and the anti abortion congressman whom married, knocked up his girlfriend and told her to get...abortion..
this is how A.S. keeps busy busy busy.and Smith also..my god: reads the LIBERAL FAKE NEWS NEW YORKER

jimbrown said...

Is the bear catholic?

Unknown said...

"The evening commenced with a cocktail hour, serving signature drinks titled “Toxic Masculinity” (boy, bye!) and vibrant light bites like mini pink tacos. Guests mingled among works of art that were slated to be auctioned off later that night (FYI, Harvey Weinstein and Scarlett Johansson got into a bidding war over a few!)."


This article exposes the toxic mindset of liberals. The NYT staffer is 'normal'. That is he is normal for a liberal.

Unknown said...



Unknown said...


1) Focus on Shawn. I know about his accuser. She is a serial accuser and a nut. So have at it.

BTW I like Reilly better now than when he had his show. I have heard him on 2 different radio shows. Looks like he was railroaded.

2) "the anti abortion congressman whom married, knocked up his girlfriend and told her to get...abortion..."

Story broke Oct 5th. He will be gone October 21st. gone in 16 Days

Compare that to
1) Harvey Weinstein 13 years or more
2) Bill Clinton
3) Jesse Jackson
4) Ted Kennedy - One Whole Lifetime
5) Senator Dodd

Now this is an easy one. Even a politburo candidate such as yourself should be able to get it.

16 days < 13 years?

Carrie Fisher: Ted Kennedy Once Asked Me If I’d Have Sex With Chris Dodd

The once-strong voice of liberalism is now slurred, but the bibulous Kennedy boyo remains the life of the party.

Seriously Fred, how many times did you vote for the lecher Chris Dodd?

I am willing to bet you voted for Senator Doddering Fool up to 8 times?

Do you support sexually assaulting waitresses; did you support Dodd?