Sunday, October 1, 2017

Osama Bin Laden's Son Is Now A Priority Target For Both The U.S. And The U.K.

Photo: An e-fit of Hamza bin Laden, who is reportedly being hunted by SAS forces after intelligence suggested he has moved to Syria

Daily Mail: SAS launch mission to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden's son in Syria before he can copy his father and organise terror attacks against the West

* Hamza bin Laden target for SAS troops involving snipers
* The son of the 9/11 mastermind released footage hailing lone wolf terror attacks
* Sources believe the 28-year-old is holed up in Syria after stint in Pakistan

Osama bin Laden's son is the target of a top-secret mission involving British armed forces - who want the new al-Qaeda chief dead or alive.

The 28-year-old is said to be 'active' and plotting attacks on the West following the death of his father, who was shot dead by US Navy Seals in 2011.

After going into hiding just weeks before his father's death, Osama's twisted son has re-emerged, praising 'lone wolf' terror in video released two years ago and calling on more attacks on western civilisation.

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WNU Editor: I guess he has something to prove.

More News On Osama Bin Laden's Son Now Being A Priority Target For The SAS

REVEALED: SAS mission to take out Osama's son Hamza Bin Laden -- Daily Star
Hamza bin Laden hunted by British special forces unit SAS after vowing an attack on the west --
Hamza Bin Laden, Osama’s son hunted by SAS mission to ‘capture of kill’ the warlord -- The SUN
SAS ‘launches mission to kill Osama bin Laden’s terror leader son Hamza -- Metro

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel for him. He was just a kid when seal team six shot his dad in the face. He didn't have to learn this way that his dad was a porn-stashing, horny-goat-weed chewing terrorist .. can you imagine this guy's father complex? Of the charts. So yeah his life will be screwed by this alone, combined with media attention all his life and Al quaeda members on one side and seal team 6 redux waiting for him on the other side. Tough life. I hope they give him a chance. He was literally born into this mess. (Don't get me wrong, if he just looks at a suicide belt it should be head shot treatment)