Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Pentagon Has Given President Trump Nine Military Options Against North Korea


Evening Standard: US defence chiefs 'have created nine options for use of military force against North Korea'

US defence chiefs have drawn up nine options for military action against Kim Jong-un’s North Korea to destroy its nuclear weapons threat, the Evening Standard has been told.

They escalate to different levels of intensity and could be pre-emptive or retaliatory, and could be ordered by Donald Trump in response to an attack on the US Pacific naval base on Guam or American allies such as Japan or South Korea.

However, all of them risk triggering a devastating response by Pyongyang against South Korea, using conventional weapons. At least one senior Whitehall figure is concerned that there may be a shift in Washington towards military action.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: No details on what those 9 military options to destroy North Korea's nuclear threat are .... but one can only imagine what they are.


Jac said...

The American arsenal range is large and complementary. Success without any doubt. But cost and collateral damage could be high too.

B.Poster said...


"Success without any doubt" I like your optimism. As to doubts, I have plenty.

Very respectfully I hope our leaders have doubts. Underestimating an enemy is very dangerous. Success is by no means assured.

Anonymous said...

Bposter we find ourselves in agreement. I find it amazing how ignorant people can be, even all but forgetting how bloody Korean war 1 was. OK the US military is even better today and would gain air supremacy within hours or days, but if you have to invade a country of 26mn people, with about 5mn paramilitaries and 1mn standing army and 600,000 reserves you absolutely will have a bad time. And you will have to invade because China sold north Korea mobile missile launchers and you can't spot them all reliably from air to take them out. It will require a massive ground force to secure all nukes. .thanks again, China. And thank you China for even selling them the rocket fuel. Thank you, thank you. What a friend we have in China.

fazman said...

Success without any doubt inside of 6 weeks

fazman said...

You presume an invasion past the dmz rather than destroying his infrastructure and holding the line.

fazman said...

No one says,easy, but eenie meenie mieni Moe who in LA wants to glow.