Monday, October 2, 2017

PEW Research: Only 5 Percent Of Media Coverage Of President Trump Is Positive

NBC: Trump’s Right: His Media Coverage Is Mostly Negative

President Donald Trump frequently complains about media coverage of his administration, and a study released Monday confirms his suspicion: Most of it has been negative.

The Pew Research Center, in a content analysis of the early days of the Trump presidency, found that 62 percent of the coverage was negative and only 5 percent was positive.

In contrast, President Barack Obama's coverage in early 2009 was 42 percent positive and 20 percent negative, the study said.

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WNU Editor: Only 5% .... I call that an optimistic number. I live in Canada .... the media coverage in Canada of President Trump from the major networks and newspapers is now 99% universally hostile. That 1% is when they have someone from the White House to answer a question or two. This survey/study from the PEW Research can be seen here.


fred said...

This seems an inability to separate news items from editorial positions. Trump has thus far done little to get positive news...he has belittled, passed no legislation, lost appointees and failed to fill positions with new appointees...what is there positive to put as news, not ediorials?

fred said...

Should Trump resign you will see a 95% positive rating

Unknown said...

So the press is feeling its oats, trying to call the shots (unelected though they be) and thinking its funny.

Their poll ratings are worse than the presidents.

If the press did their job, this site wouldn't get 1/2 the hits it gets.

Rush Limbaugh attributed his success to the press not doing their job. The press prostitutes, presstitutes, want to get rid of Rush. They try and they try, but they cannot get the deed done. All they would have to do is report the truth; it is somewhere they cannot go.

The press has the same Achille's heel as the Warlock Lord of Shanarra.

fred said...

Dear Mr Smith
I know you like so many of us, enjoy this site. But since you think the media is detested, and that is why people come to this site, I ask you to go through all the links to all the posts at this site and tell me how they do not have to use the detested media. Where, in short, do you think the articles here come from if not the hated media you dismiss.

Jac said...

French press is 100% negative. No surprise, France is socialist and almost communist.
For America, I think the press is doing again what they did during the election, with the result we know. Einstein said " insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different result".

Unknown said...

"This seems an inability to separate news items from editorial positions. Trump has thus far done little to get positive news"

Trump can lift the Jones act for 10 days at a time if the governor requests it. Trump cannot act unilaterally.

Trump sent the USNS Comfort. It is a major floating hospital.

The U.S. military is helicoptering supplies from ships and beaches to places around Puerto Rico. This is going to add stress, delay maintenance and overwork crews. Some soldiers will die, when a bird goes down. This is on the _____rcrat party.

Just as the mayor, who does not go to FEMA meetings, you got to wonder why 80% of truckers have vowed to stay away until their demands are met. Seems like the Democrats planned this a month in advance. The Democrats have to pay at the ballot box.

Unknown said...

"I know you like so many of us, enjoy this site. But since you think the media is detested, and that is why people come to this site, I ask you to go through all the links to all the posts at this site and tell me how they do not have to use the detested media. Where, in short, do you think the articles here come from if not the hated media you dismiss. " - FL

Have you heard of reading between the lines?

Or triangulating?

That is reading two different newspapers of known bias and between the two of them ferreting out the truth.

- People will go to the Daily Mail because it was because they will publish photos that the American press will not or only does so belatedly. Habitually, publishing something belatedly is proof of sever bias.

- People will also bet that if a photo is not released that the criminal is non-white. They will be right more often than they are wrong.

- People know that when authorities is Britain or MSM newspapers say perpetrator were Asian, we know they are Pakistani in origin and not Chinese, Korean, Japanese or something else. When the scuzzbucket journalists think they are clever and narrow it down to South Asian, we know they are talking about a Pakistani or Muslim from India.

Journalists withhold photos, but then print the suspects name. When the name of a person is outlandish, we know they are black most of the time. So now journalists withhold names also.

When a white suspect's mug is shown in 2 hours or a day, but other people's photo is not shown with the same alacrity, we guess. We are right more often than we are wrong.

That is people read between the lines.

Journalist do what politicians do. They dump information on Fridays or they lit it come put in dribs and drabs. they do not want a social reaction. the media are an extension of the government.

Have you even been paying attention to what WNU says about why he uses multiple sources to overcome bias? He has said it more than once.

I think you need to be held back more than a couple levels.

Better yet go back to cutting and pasting... and I don't mean articles.