Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Pictures Reveal A North Korean Army Not Ready For War

North Korean troops on the move. Picture: Pen News

Herald Sun: Pictures reveal a North Korean army totally unprepared for war

PICTURES smuggled out of North Korea by a tourist appear to reveal the true unprepared reality of Kim Jong-un’s army.

As the North Korean leader continues to ratchet up his rhetoric with US President Donald Trump amid heightened fears of a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula, these revealing snaps show a different side of the story.

The pictures, taken between Mount Kumgang and the city of Wonsan on North Korea’s east coast, show trucks that date back to World War II, dangerously overladen vehicles, female soldiers wearing high heels, fighters who appear to be carrying fake weapons and exhausted troops sleeping by the roadside.

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WNU Editor: The above pictures remind me of what I saw in China in the mid-1980s .... ill-equipped soldiers in every way. But will these soldiers still fight .... the answer is yes.


Unknown said...

Hit them hard enough & they will think of 'zero hour

The North Korean Special Forces are another matter.

RussInSoCal said...

Yep. Those soldiers will fight. Mainly because if they don't fight, their whole families will be wiped out.

Don't know much about the Nork special forces. I'm sure they have the best equipment money can buy (from China and Iran). And dedicated for a lot of the same reasons.

Anonymous said...

The problem with the North Korean army is the problem with all socialist armies - the individual soldier or NCO doesn't know how to think and decide for himself. Once command, control, and communication is disrupted, the ant hill will scatter aimlessly.