Wednesday, October 25, 2017

President Trump Comments On GOP Infighting And The Democrats Paying For The Russian Dossier (Video)

FOX News: Trump rips Clinton link to Fusion GPS dossier as a 'disgrace,' says Russia 'hoax is turned around'

President Trump, in a wide-ranging sparring session with reporters Wednesday afternoon, blasted Hillary Clinton over new revelations her campaign helped fund a salacious anti-Trump dossier last year – calling the project a “disgrace” and claiming the tables have turned on Democrats over the “Russia hoax.”

“They’re embarrassed by it, but I think it’s a disgrace,” Trump told reporters, before heading to Texas for a briefing on Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts and a Republican fundraiser. “It’s a very sad commentary on politics in this country.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: At the beginning of the above video the press wants to focus on Senator Flake .... someone that most people do not know about (or even care about). But it did not take long before the big news story was discussed .... the Hillary Campaign/Democrat Party's support and payment of a Russian dossier that precipitated the entire debate (and massive investigation) on Russian collusion with the Trump campaign team. President Trump is calling the entire dossier story sad and one of America's biggest political scandals .... and that is probably an understatement. I am still digesting this entire story .... how this one document precipitated a media and political frenzy that has now lasted for one year .... that involved senior and top officials in the U.S. intelligence community, an FBI Director's involvement that even included a willingness to pay for this document, and I am not even counting the numerous Congressional investigations that used this document to rationalize why they needed to examine President Trump and his associates. And then there is the impact of this document on the Justice Department .... from Attorney Sessions recusing himself because he met some Russians, to the set-up of the Mueller Special Counsel to investigate Russian collusion with the Trump team .... using this document as one of their reasons to investigate President Trump's campaign team. As I said .... I am still digesting this story. On a side note .... the main stream media broke the story late yesterday .... and now they are quiet. It is even worse in Canada where I live .... little if any coverage of this story (none in the French Quebec press), which is strange because it has been covered extensively for the past year.

Update: Someone just emailed me asking me on what do I think will happen next. I still think former Trump NSA adviser Flynn and former Trump campaign manager Manafort are in trouble, and they will be indicted for not properly reporting income earned outside of the country. But in regards to the overall media and political narrative of Trump colluding with the Russians .... and one that we have been hearing non-stop for almost one year .... that is now dead. The focus is going to be shifting on who paid for this Russian dossier,  who was involved in a U.S. uranium business deal, and the role of the Obama administration in this uranium deal and why did Obama intel officials use the document to make their case that Russia was colluding with the Trump campaign. As for the Mueller Special Counsel .... I said last week that they have about 6 months to drop indictments and to present a case that a prosecutor can work with. Now .... with what has been disclosed .... everything has changed. In the next few weeks Robert Mueller will need to explain his involvement in the uranium deal when he was FBI Director .... and after that he will have to justify why the Special Counsel should still say in business with him in charge. If he cannot do that .... it will be time to disband this entire Special Counsel..


Unknown said...

Manafort worked for the Ukranians not the Russians.

What is happening with the Washington ComPost 'Fusion story' and the Painted Lady's (NYT) Weinstein story is people within the Democrat party attempting to jettison the Clintons.

The Clintons have or are sucking up all the oxygen (money or screen time). Even if a Clinton does not run for office they have too much publicity and they could be King makers with their wealth and their clique.

Weinstein was destroyed because he is a money making portion of the Clinton clique. We is or was a prodigious donator or bundler. Taking out Weinstein is scorched earth. the people, who took out Weinstein care not one whit about the women he hurt or women in general. They care about the $$$ he could raise in the future for the Clintons or the Clinton clique. Think of this as warlords on China fighting in the 1920s and it makes more sense. The Painted Lady (NYT) sat on this story for almost 2 decades.

Taking out Weinstein is like blowing up a Clinton supply depot. Having the Washington COMpPost is going after the Clintons directly. Mrs Clinton might say this story is old news, but it is like someone saying it is only a flesh wound.

Some in the Democrats want to clear the decks to allow Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Fauxahontas or somebody some air, some light.

War News Updates Editor said...

According to some reports linking Manafort to the Podestas .... they are saying that he also had Russian clients.

Unknown said...

Okay, Manafort had Russian clients.

Manafort might be in trouble, but the Clintons are as well. The Long Knives in the Democrat party are out for them. We could call this the "3rd Night of the Long Knives".

There are pictures of Bill Clinton and Putin. Clinton was paid 1/2 million for an hours work.

Just because the money was laundered in plain sight does not mean it was not a bribe.