Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Rohingya Crisis -- News Updates October 4-5, 2017

ABC News Online: Rohingya Muslims: Refugees with catastrophic injuries 'targeted' by military landmines as they fled

The United Nations says Myanmar's treatment of Rohingya Muslims is ethnic cleansing. Among the most serious allegations is the alleged laying of landmines on refugees' routes to Bangladesh.

While the military denies the charge, in one Bangladesh hospital lie numerous Rohingyas suffering blast injuries and gunshot wounds, which they say were inflicted as they fled.

Rohingya refugee Yousef Nabi is a young man in agony.

Read more ....

Rohingya Crisis -- News Updates October 4-5, 2017

Myanmar military accused of executing dozens of fleeing Rohingya villagers -- The Guardian
Rohingya fleeing Myanmar say army redoubling push to clear villages -- AFP
Myanmar army denies laying landmines in Rohingyas' path -- ABC News Online
Bangladesh destroys boats ferrying Rohingya from Myanmar -- Reuters
UN: Myanmar violence may be 'crimes against humanity' -- Al Jazeera
Rohingya refugees living in ‘dire’ conditions, senior UN officials warn, appealing for assistance -- UN News Centre
U.N. experts on women and children's rights decry Myanmar atrocities -- Reuters
Aid groups seek $434 million to help up to 1.2 million Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar -- Reuters
Children in Bangladesh's Rohingya Camps Draw Scenes of Horror -- VOA
Rohingya Mobile Reporter Network Crumbles in Myanmar -- VOA
'Long history of Rohingya jihad starts with Partition' -- Daily Mail
The Rohingya Crisis -- Eleanor Albert, Council on Foreign Relations


Unknown said...

Have the UN ship the Rohingya to Bangladesh.

Ship the non-Muslims to India and Burma.

Unknown said...

WoW Huntley,

It took me a while to figure out what nonsense you were spouting.

Now I remember. There was a firefight and there was collateral damage. For all we know the girl was hit by an AK47. It is called friendly fire.

The village harbored Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda had plans to blow up a nursery in NYC.

So I really do not care how much you bleat or how much your wing wang hurts.

Bob Huntley said...

Getting to you eh Aizino? No she was shot by a Seal. Tell me do you think it takes courage to kill a young girl if you are a Navy Seal or say the guy who shot all those kids at Sandy hook? You said all the seals are heroes. Is that guy really your hero. If so you need help and soon.

Unknown said...

That was the raid where the Seals were surprised. Al Qaeda knew they were coming.

So no doubt you were hooting, when you heard that.

You still have not answered about the Day Care center being bombed. I'll take it that you fully support it being bombed.

Bob Huntley said...

Aizino you are in arrears in the response category. Bring it up to date and I will respond to your comment(s)

Unknown said...

I am not in arrears.

What I said is that you supported a day care being bombed not once but twice.

Tell your kids that you support that and make sure to get the timeline right.

Unknown said...

To Bob H.

"Children Saved in Terror Attack"

The Trade Center was attacked in 1993 & 2001.

The Trade Center was reconnoitered before 911. The guy who did the reconnaissance was let go.

If it was bad when Timothy McVeigh did it, it is bad when Al Qaeda did it.

Like I said before, when you talk to your kids get the timeline right.

"6 day care kids pulled from Oklahoma City bombing rubble share their stories 20 years later" - New York Daily News

"ROR IN OKLAHOMA: THE CHILDREN; Tender Memories of Day-Care Center Are All That Remain After The Bomb" - NYT