Friday, October 6, 2017

Saudi Arabia's Decision To Buy Russia's S-400 Defense System Is Rocking Washington

President Trump and King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

Colin Clark, Breaking Defense: Saudis Rock US Alliance, Say They’ll Buy Russia’s Top Plane Killer, S-400

WASHINGTON: That rumble under your feet you sensed this morning was the earthquake caused by the decision of one of America’s closest allies, Saudis Arabia, to join Turkey in buying Russia’s vaunted S-400 surface to air missile system.

The announcement carried extra diplomatic weight as Saudi King Salman was visiting Russia when the Saudis made the announcement.

Former NATO and European Command leader, retired Adm. James Stavridis, called the sale “a step backwards in US foreign and defense policy.” Since World War II, when President Roosevelt agreed with King Faisal that we would guarantee Saudi sovereignty in return for access to their oil, the kingdom has been one of our closest allies, notwithstanding the 911 attacks led by Saudi citizens.

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WNU Editor: I was surprised when I first read this news on Russian websites yesterday touting the deal. I thought the article was wrong and/or an exaggeration on what Russia's defense industry was hoping for .... and that this was not an actual sale. Talk about everyone being wrong and being out of the loop .... specifically Washington. And talk about the Saudis telling the Americans and Europeans that the age where the Saudis always bought weapons from the West was now coming to an end. This should create shock waves in the U.S. military/foreign policy community .... and I do expect other À


Jac said...

The West have to make an introspection for understanding this change. And because that's a big one it will stay for a while...and ever more. This decision is not taken from yesterday but since a long time because it needs to be very "sure". And this happened during the marvelous presidency of Mr. Obama.

Unknown said...

Well, I guess it’s time we reevaluate the $110 billion in MOIs from the Saudis, especially the interest in THAAD:

Anonymous said...

It's always Obama's fault. This far into the disastrous Presidency of a guy who can't find Saudi Arabia on a map, let alone understand the geopolitical realities of the region. But don't take my word for it, just ask the present ambassador to Saudi Arabia from the US.... oh ya, we still don't have one. Says it all.

fazman said...

S400,at least Iran will be happy that they could hit Saudi at will.

Anonymous said...

Damn,that Obama dude is at it again, you're right. No way this is president Trump's fault. He says he's great at meaking deals - perhaps the best even. People say so. I've heard it. Must be true. So it can only be that guy Obama!

Unknown said...

"Damn,that Obama dude is at it again, you're right. No way this is president Trump's fault. He says he's great at meaking deals - perhaps the best even. People say so. I've heard it. Must be true. So it can only be that guy Obama! "

If you are the captain of large oil tanker and you just relieved the 3rd mate for steering the wrong course, how long does it take to get back on course?

If someone has been at the helm for 8 years with all his elves, how long does it take to right the ship of state?