Friday, October 6, 2017

Taliban 'Show-Off' In Latest Propaganda Video That They Can Move Freely Throughout Afghanistan

Military Times: Large Taliban convoy moves through Afghanistan unopposed

WASHINGTON — The Taliban recently uploaded a new propaganda video which features a long Taliban convoy moving freely during the daytime unopposed.

The video titled “Jihadic Process in Nimrooz and Rehabilitation” was published online at the end of September.

The video features a large gathering of Taliban militants and vehicles brandishing large white Taliban flags in the open at daytime. As the vehicles drive away in a column, multiple U.S. up-armored Humvees can be seen.

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WNU Editor: Hmmmm .... a few U.S. Humvees in this convoy.


Unknown said...

Those are ANA Humvees gifted by the U.S. to Afghanistan.

Anyway those Humvees look like crap.

fred said...

perhaps exchanged for heroin

Unknown said...

I've watched similar vehicles F150 uparmored as transports for local militia to fight Al Qaeda.

If the local militia is brittle, suborned or defeated it is not hard to obtain them.

There have been many green on blue attacks as well as defections. No CIA conspiracy theories are needed.

No go out and support Harvey Weinstein like a good lib, like your lib betters.