Sunday, October 8, 2017

The U.S. Republican Civil War Between President Trump And The Party Continues

WNU Editor: A lot of inside "baseball" revealed by President Trump. Not surprising, Senator Corker is not amused that these facts are being exposed, and he has responded quickly ....

As to what is my take .... Senator Corker is not going to run in the next election. Too much of his past has caught up to him (see link here), and the sentiment among the Republican base (i.e. Trump's base) in Tennessee is that they want him gone. He read the tea leaves, and decided to bail out .... but I think he did not expect to be kicked out of the door in such a matter. As for President Trump .... he continues to make enemies within the Republican Party (but I do not think he cares).


RussInSoCal said...

Corker used procedural shenanigans to funnel Iran all that money. Also among the pack that sold us out to ISP's last Spring.

/it would be a bad career move for Corker to engage in a battle with Trump at this point.

Unknown said...

I see nothing wrong with Corker's income.

I don't like his backsliding politics.