Wednesday, October 4, 2017

These Are The Regions In Europe That Have An Independence Movements (Map)

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Will Martin, The Independent/Business Insider: This map shows the European regions fighting to achieve independence

Britain's vote to leave the European Union is almost certainly one of the most seismic political events in the Western world in the last handful of decades.

It marked the first time any nation had decided to leave the European alliance, first formed in the 1960s and promptly sparked some commentators to suggest that other nations could follow Britain out of the bloc in the coming years.

While Britain leaving the EU is undoubtedly the biggest split we're likely to witness in Europe in the coming, there are movements across Europe that could end up physically separating entire nations.

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WNU Editor: Taken from this perspective, the EU does not look very unified.


Unknown said...

Can Moscow secede and join Gagauzia?

More than a few Russian nobility married Cuman nobility.

Not all stepper warriors were hostile.

Would we call it Gagauzia North?

B.Poster said...

The EU is done. It never had a chance. Alas ideological blind people attempted this nonsense. Since it cannot survive and is doomed, EU leadership needs to understand the entity is doomed and they need to act accordingly. As such, work for the end of the union in a way that minimizes the pain for the citizens of these countries is the best approach.

I'm pretty sure hostile relations with Russia is in none of their interests. Since Russia views America as its main enemy, American leaders need to make changes forthwith. Since current American leaders seem to stupid to make such changes, we can only hope and pray that Russia and its leaders will be patient enough to wait on the American people to GET IT RIGHT!! After all we still have the right to vote for our leaders. Russian patience with us to GET IT RIGHT is not infinite especially when we are stupidly sanctioning them. Since we can vote on our leaders, our failure to act properly will be viewed WITHOUT EXCUSE by the world's top powers. We need to GET THIS RIGHT before thevworld's top powers lose patience with us.