Wednesday, October 11, 2017

U.S. Defense Stocks Are Soaring On The Spectre Of War With North Korea

CNBC: Defense stocks soar on the spectre of war with North Korea

* Year-to-date, the S&P 500 Aerospace and Defense Industry sub-sector index is up 30 percent, compared to 12.9 percent for the S&P 500.
* The promise of increased military spending is boosting the U.S. defense sector, say analysts.
* President Donald Trump said in February he wanted to up military spending by $54 billion.

On Oct. 1, President Donald Trump once again took to Twitter to attack Kim Jong-un, saying that negotiating with the North Korean chairman is a waste of time. While social media mudslinging may not be the best way to deal with a hostile leader, there's at least one group who may not mind Trump's Twitter threats: defense industry investors.

Year-to-date, the S&P 500 Aerospace and Defense Industry subsector index is up 30 percent, compared to 12.9 percent for the S&P 500. Since July 3, when North Korea fired its first intercontinental ballistic missile and Trump said in a tweet, "Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?" the index has climbed by 14.3 percent.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It makes one wonder .... what do people with money know that we do not know.


Unknown said...

North Korea exists as a mix of a sweatshop and police state.

As long as the elite in North Korea, China and Russia profit enough, no one is going to threaten the North Korean elite.

North Korea does not continuously need to threat every country along the Pacific Rim.

This is what liars need to answer. If North Korea needs ICBMs and nukes to survive the big, bad wolf, then how did they survive from 1953 to 2006?

Unknown said...

"Raped women in North Korea prison camps executed"

"After giving birth, women are not only executed, their newborn babies are fed to guard dogs."

What is not to like about Leftist/liberal policies?

Unknown said...

"North Korean prison officers 'cooked prisoner's baby and fed it to their dogs', more horrific accounts from UN report reveal"

Unknown said...


Do you have a fallout shelter?

War News Updates Editor said...

I am going to hide in the Laurentians of Quebec when (or should I say if) that day comes.

fazman said...

Who knows if any of this is true. I remember the tales of Iraqi troops throwing babies on the ground and sending the Kuwaiti incubators back to Iraq, all revealed as nonsense by Kuwaiti hospital staff years later.

Unknown said...



UPI reported it. North Korean defectors gave their names.

Kampuchea shows that communists can be very brutal and what was done in Kumpchea is not too far from what is done in North Korea.

"The Killing Fields"
"First they Killed my Father"

My spouse spent over 1.5 years from their father, because some idiot autodidact thought it was a good idea. My spouse was lucky. It all had some thing to do with work units, utopia, back to basics (peasant labor) ... control, control, control, ...

Unknown said...


"radiation reduces by a factor of two for each 16 inches of foxhole depth."

Somehow, I remember something about 3 inches of earth overhead.

Many a tornado shelter makes a good fallout shelter, so it is a two-fer.

If you use it as a panic room, it is a 3-fer.

"3 tornadoes hit Quebec on Sunday, Environment Canada confirms"

B.Poster said...


Excellent question, post # 1.

Fazman and Aizino,

At this pount, we don't know if these stories are true. I recall the story about the babies and the incubators in the run up to Desert Storm. I recall it being one of the main points used to sell the war. Then we later learned the story may not have been true. Akso, we've had stories of Iraqi WMD that turned out to be less tgan fully accurate. Very respectfully I'd suggest treating UPI and the Independent with extreme skepticism.