Wednesday, October 4, 2017

U.S. Senate Committee: Russia-Trump Campaign Collusion Still An 'Open' Issue

CBS: Senate Intel Committee on Russia: “Issue of collusion is still open”

Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Sen. Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, said that "the issue of collusion is still open" regarding the committee's ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

"The committee continues to look into all evidence to see if there was any hint of collusion," Burr told reporters during a press conference regarding the status of the Russia investigation Wednesday afternoon.

Although the committee can't determine collusion at this point, they agree on Russia's attempts to influence the election. Burr said that based on the committee's findings, there is evidence that Russia wanted to "create chaos at every level" during this past year's election.

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WNU Editor: According to the U.S. Senate Intel Committee .... they agreed with the assessment that Russia tried to interfere with the U.S. election, and that they (i.e. Russia) wanted to "create chaos at every level". As to the collusion story .... the person who put together the "Russian Dossier" refused to meet with the Committee .... 'Trump Dossier' on Russia Links Now Part of Special Counsel's Probe: Sources (US News and World Report/Reuters). Because of this lack of cooperation .... the Committee has determined that the issue of "collusion" is still wide open. So .... after one year .... no evidence has been made public that Russia interfered, but an assessment has been made that Russia "wanted" to interfere on every level. The key word here is "wanted". And as for collusion .... same story .... after one year there is no smoking gun that a prosecutor can point to a statue and say that this is an indictable offense. My prediction .... if they had something we would have known about it by now. I still think former NSA adviser Michael Flynn and former campaign manager Paul Manafort are in legal trouble .... but not for the reasons of Russian collusion. Speaking of Paul Manafort, his legal troubles just got worse because of his ex-son-in-law .... Ex-Trump adviser Paul Manafort conspired to mislead bankruptcy court, son-in-law charges (USA Today). Talk about a lot of bad blood in this family. The Senate Intelligence Committee will now try to wrap everything up everything by the end of the year, and the focus of all of these investigations will now probably shift to the Mueller Commission.

More News On U.S. Senate Committee Determining That The Russia-Trump Campaign Collusion Case Is Still An 'Open' Issue

Russia-Trump campaign collusion an 'open' issue, says Senate panel chief -- Reuters
Senate Intel Heads Say Trump-Russia Collusion Is Still Open Question -- NBC
Intel leaders: Collusion still open part of investigation -- The Hill
Senate investigators: No conclusion about collusion with Russia in 2016 -- Politico
Top Senate intelligence duo: Russia did interfere in 2016 election -- The Guardian
Senate investigators have ‘hit a wall’ seeking origin of salacious anti-Trump dossier -- FOX News
Senate Intelligence Committee Leaders — a Republican and a Democrat — Join Forces to Slam Trump Over Russian ... -- Newsweek

Update: The Mueller Commission is now looking into the dossier .... Special counsel looking into dossier as part of Russia probe: report (The Hill). Someone should tell the Commission and the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee that the author of the dossier himself admitted 6 months ago that the contents were not verified (i.e. not proven) .... Ex-British Spy Admits That His 'Dirty' Dossier On Trump Was Not Verified (April 26, 2017). Another person that they should be talking to is the person who started this entire affair, but as I had mentioned a few weeks ago .... Julian Assange from Wikileaks is persona-grata for the investigators .... Will The Mueller Commission Question Julian Assange? (September 21, 2017)


Jac said...

If I can give an advice for all people who want to see a very easy "Russian collusion": go to see Hilary Clinton with the sell of American Uranium mine to a Russian company and the "gift" of this company to the Clinton Foundation.

fred said...

you tackle one thing at a time and this is seemingly a very big issue not just for the recent past but for forthcoming elections
Jac: what Hillary foundation may have done is NOT the issue. A much bigger issue is a govt intefering in American elections and probably planning to do more down the road...your remark is merely a deflection