Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Venezuela's Inflation Rate May Rise Beyond 2,300% In 2018

Bloomberg: IMF Says Venezuela's Inflation Rate May Rise Beyond 2,300% in 2018

* Next year’s price estimate increased from a previous 2,069%
* GDP estimates for 2017, 2018 revised down to 12% and 6%

Venezuela’s triple-digit annual inflation rate is set to jump to more than 2,300 percent in 2018, the highest estimate for any country tracked by the International Monetary Fund.

An intensifying political crisis that’s spiraled since 2014 has weighed heavily on economic activity. Gross domestic product is expected to contract 6 percent next year, after shrinking an estimated 12 percent in 2017, the IMF said in its latest World Economic Outlook report published Tuesday.

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More News On Venezuela

Report: More than 500 people were killed in two years in Venezuelan government’s anti-crime campaign -- Washington Post
After bloodshed, Venezuelan government and foes battle for votes -- Reuters
Opposition Magistrates Holed up in Chile Residence Flee Venezuela: Source -- US News and World Report/Reuters
Argentine Airlines suspends flights to Venezuela -- BBC
Under Maduro, Venezuela Has Lost US$8 Billion Due to Collapse in State-Run Oil Production -- Panam Post
The country that’s another step closer to being cut off from the world --
Scavenging to survive in Venezuela -- Al Jazeera

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