Sunday, October 8, 2017

Vice President Pence Walks Out Of NFL Football Game After Some Players Took A Knee During the Anthem

FOX News: Vice President Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after players reportedly kneel

Vice President Mike Pence spoke out on Sunday about why he left a football game between the Indianapolis Colts-San Francisco 49ers game, the same day it emerged that former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has said he'd stand for the national anthem if if given a chance to play football in the NFL again.

“I left today's Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem,” Pence tweeted.

Several 49ers players reportedly kneeled for the anthem on Sunday in Indianapolis.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Every week that these protests continue will only continue to undermine the game among its core fans. As for the person who started this protest movement, it appears that he is willing to stand-up for the anthem if someone gives him a contract  .... Colin Kaepernick confirms desire to play in NFL, explains silence (Sporting News). What's my take .... it is not going to happen. No one in the NFL is going to sign up Colin Kaepernick knowing too well that the blow-back against the team that does this will be huge .... huge enough that no owner is going to take a risk. There has been some news that the CFL team in Montreal may sign him .... but from what I am reading and hearing .... it is not going to happen. Bottom line .... Colin Kaepernick's days as an athlete are over.


Anonymous said...

Good decision. Usually I do not like Pence because I think he is part of the swamp, but today he behaved like a man.

Bob Huntley said...

I think Mike Pence is grandstanding. When he supports bills as in when he makes the deciding vote he disrespects many people including soldiers and the flag that is supposed to represent the country. The current anthem has been shown to not represent the "people" and should be discarded.

Unknown said...

In BUDS class,when an enlisted man rings the bell 0 to 3 other students follow suit.

When an officer rings the bell,up to a dozen or more students bell.

Pence just 'rung the bell'. Many, many fans will follow him and leave the NFL for the foreseeable future.

Here is a prediction. I am asking for a point spread here. Goodell will either not have a new contract or he will have a contract that is 1/2 to 2/3rds of what he was asking.

Another prediction. Superbowl commercials will not go for $150,000 per second. They will go for less this year.

Unknown said...

I would watch of Colin Kaepernick would stand.

If he also lost his Muslimah girlfriend that got his started on this stupidity.

Anonymous said...

@WNU you might be right, however, this is such a sad symbol of the current state of race in the US.

Those guys, including Colin Kaepernick, were not protesting the flag. They were protesting police brutality.

And what's wrong with a full grown, adult, free man to make the decision to kneel?

If the soldiers - Mr pence is arguing- died to protect the flag, they also died to protect freedom of expression, freedom to protest, and that's what it's all about.

Unknown said...

How does the 1st stanza not represent the people?

Anonymous said...

Pence is a complete clown fraud. Bought on the cheap by Trump.

Weak. Venal.

fazman said...

Agree. New respect for the man

Anonymous said...

he he, not. Why do you think Trump is so popular within the figting forces?

Unknown said...

Arch-liberal & Wingnut Anon,

It is about the flag, the anthem, disparate impact and anything else his muslimah girlfriend Nessa tells it is.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country ..." - Kaepernick
- Mediaite,

"Colin Kaepernick's parents fly U.S. flag at house while staying silent on protest"

- USA Today Sept. 8, 2016

"Colin Kaepernick explains why he sat during national anthem" -
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick

How is it the muslimah Nessa leaves home not escorted by a male relative and does everything else that she does?

"Women should not be allowed to go on long journeys without a male chaperone a British Muslim group has advised followers" - The Telegraph

Is Bangladeshi Anon part of the Blackburn Muslim Association?

Anonymous said...

I took a knee in church today, and no one walked out...I must have done something right.

fred said...

The Pence thing carefully staged and he had time to be noticed and also we know he was following orders. As has been noted: his staged walkout was political and worse than what he claimed to protest. A S is saying (aboive) something about a bell, perhaps he has Pavlov in mind. As for Colin's girlfriend, AS is hardly one to tell folks how to act

Unknown said...

I am going to check the FBI Uniform Crime Report (UCR) for 2017 in abut 6 months. I am going to check the 2018 UCR, when it comes due.

My prediction is that more African-Americans are going to be murdered. Police shootings will go down but more African-Americans swill die murdered by other African-Americans.

We can thank Colin Kaepernick, Academia, the MSM, the Democrat Party ... the usual cast of characters.

Unknown said...

Why are people angry at Colin Kaepernick and liberals?

Take a look at figure 18.

Unknown said...

If Fred had read anything about BUDS, he might know what the reference to the bell is.

As it is he chooses to remain ignorant.

Unknown said...

I revise the comments before this one.

Fred thinks that the bell has something to do with Pavlov.

In my 1st post on this thread I said what the bell was about.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the typical characters, you're right Mr. Smith..

On one side you have the bigots and racists and people who lack empathy, oh and of course the trolls who want to manipulate racial unity for their sinister plans - and on the other side you have Fred and myself ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, the same old racist card that worked so well in the past, has been overused by the leftist, and do not scare anyone anymore.

Unknown said...

On one side you have a poster, who uses a name that 2 or 3 other posters use so he can deny, confuse, and manipulate.

On the other side you have a person, who married a minority and walks the walk.

For another thing you skew history on the following

And on things like the 2nd amendment. On the 2nd Amendment you follow the solid south.

fred said...

dear as
The convention when using letters to signifcy a group, organization, etc is that the first time it is used, and unless in is so common as to be recognized by all, ie, U.S., a careful writer gives the full name and then, uses the signfying letters.

Unknown said...

Dear Fred,

I know the convention; I chose not to use it.

I wanted the person, who complains about snark, but who then usually in a dilettante & snarky manner replies to things, to step in it.

You did.

You would think with 2 generations of military experience (claimed not verified) that you might have known about it. That and of course general reading.

P.S. Please scrape your shoes off. ;)