Saturday, October 28, 2017

Washington Free Beacon Was The Original Funder For Fusion GPS' Anti-Trump Dosier

Washington Free Beacon: Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

Lawyers for the conservative publication Washington Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee Friday that the organization was the original funder for the anti-Trump opposition research project with Fusion GPS.

The Free Beacon funded the project from the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016, whereupon it withdrew funding and the project was picked up by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I thought it was a Jeb Bush pac that was the original financier of this dossier .... but no .... it was the Republican establishment itself that supported it. Washington Free Beacon has responded .... Fusion GPS and the Washington Free Beacon.

More News On The Washington Free Beacon Being The Original Funder For Fusion GPS Anti-Trump Dossier

Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier -- New York Times
Conservative website funded initial Fusion GPS Trump opposition effort -- FOX News
Fusion GPS anti-Trump research originally funded by conservative Washington Free Beacon -- CBS News
Conservative Free Beacon originally funded firm that created Trump-Russia dossier -- Politico
Conservative site initially hired firm that produced Trump-Russia dossier -- The Guardian
Washington Free Beacon reported ‘an unknown GOP client’ funded Fusion GPS. It was the Beacon -- Washington Post


James said...

James said...

The "Beacon" states their involvement was pre-Steele dossier.

Unknown said...

I like the Free Beacon.

I am not going to make any apologies.

Wikipedia states about the Free Beacon:
"It states it is "dedicated to uncovering the stories that the powers that be hope will never see the light of day" and producing "in-depth investigative reporting on a wide range of issues, including public policy, government affairs, international security, and media.""

Unless it spikes stories. Buries them. Tries to spin them to inoculate the readership, I will keep reading it. I do not have it book marked, but had it book marked 2 to 4 years ago. Life is hell, when you switch computers (Go to get better at it). I will bookmark it now (Microsoft Edge is exceedingly hard to use. It is and anti-productivity software. It came loaded and I finally wised-up and dumped the _____.)

I don't particularly like or trust sourcewatch but I go to if for information. I do not distrust it. I cannot vouch for source watch, but it does not seem like crap like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is. SPLC might as well be a Democrat Party House Organ of the worst sort.

Unknown said...

Politics does make strange bedfellows. Trump knows this. Doesn't care. Draining the swamp exposes all.