Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Who Has A Higher IQ. President Trump or Secretary of State Tillerson?

U.S. President Donald Trump talks with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during a meeting with members of his Cabinet at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 12, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

The Guardian: Trump challenges Tillerson to 'compare IQ tests' after reported 'moron' dig

* Trump suggests IQ battle with Tillerson: ‘I can tell you who is going to win’
* President also claims of unprecedented legislative success in first nine months

Donald Trump has challenged his secretary of state to “compare IQ tests”, if Rex Tillerson did call the president a “moron” as reported. Trump told Forbes magazine: “I think it’s fake news. But if he did [say] that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win.”

The president spoke to the magazine on Friday and the interview was published online on Tuesday. Last week, an NBC story claimed Mike Pence, the vice-president, had to talk Tillerson out of resigning this summer, and that Tillerson had called Trump a “moron”. Some reports said he called the president “a fucking moron”. Tillerson said he never considered resigning but did not deny calling Trump a moron. His spokeswoman said he never used such language.

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WNU Editor: The drive-by media is just eating up this story .... the number of stories on this one stupid topic today is unbelievable. And while I do not know who has a higher IQ .... Trump or Tillerson (my money would be on Tillerson) .... I will credit where credit is due .... President Trump's instincts on what would grab headlines has always been spot-on since he became a public figure decades ago. Instincts that even to this day his critics completely fail to appreciate or understand, and for those who do .... green with envy. As to how Secretary of State Tillerson is now reacting .... if he is smart he should realise that the President just made a pretty good sarcastic jab at him, and that the case is now closed.

Update: Duhhhh .... White House: Trump's IQ jab at Tillerson was 'a joke' (Politico).

More News On The IQ Debate Between Trump And Tillerson

Trump proposes 'IQ tests' faceoff with Tillerson after secretary of state calls him a 'moron' -- Washington Post
Trump boasts of a higher IQ than Tillerson -- The CNN
Trump says if Tillerson's "moron" comment is true, "We'll have to compare IQ tests" -- CBS News
Donald Trump challenges Rex Tillerson to IQ test amid reports Secretary of State called him a 'moron' -- The Independent
Trump suggests he's smarter than Rex Tillerson -- CBC


Unknown said...

If it were all about raw IQ, then why do we have the word wisdom?

fred said...

you are right. IQ is not learning nor wisdom and certainly not the all important emotional IQ
Trump is clearly obsessed with IQ, and I had seen today a list of his references to IQ at some 21 times...one can have a high IQ and still act and be a moron.

Anonymous said...

I think Trump has higher iq, it would be very interesting too see what they score at Mensa's iq test. I think both men would score very high, but I think Trump would win 135-133 European scale.

You must have 130 (148 in US) in iq to get into Mensa, and only 2% of the population can do a result like that.

Unknown said...

EQ is a part of IQ according to some constructs.

Talking about EQ, who is working for who?

Tillerson is working for Trump.

Trump with his EQ connected with voters. Tillerson was not even in the running.

TY for making my point.

B.Poster said...

Raw IQ isn't even a good measure anyway. This is why we have the word "wisdom." Who is wiser? At first glance, I'd say Mr. Tillerson. He seems soft spoken, chooses his words carefully, and gets stuff done.

His deal between Russia and Excon-Mobil and Russia that would have been a HUGE benefit for both countries was the stuff of brilliance. He has got to be BEYOND livid that some petty losers messed that up.

Mr. Trump is not soft spoken, he does not choose his words carefully, or so it seems. Perhaps there's method to the madness. Yet he does have a track record of getting stuff done.

They each employ different methods. Again, I'd say Mr. Tillerson is wiser. Then again Mr. Trump had the wisdom to pick someone like Mr. Tillerson for this position!!

Anonymous said...

The real story here is that one IQ has run circles around the others, and they don't even know it.