Thursday, October 5, 2017

Why Former CIA Director John Brennan Joined The CIA 40 Years Ago

John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security, talks with President Obama in the White House dining room, February, 2010. Photo: White House/Pete Souza

Business Insider: The former director of the CIA got into intelligence after his wife urged him to 'get a real job and help pay the bills'

On his way to Fordham University one day in the 1970s, a college student named John Brennan spotted an advertisement in The New York Times for a position in the CIA.

More than three decades later, Brennan became the director of that organization, working under President Barack Obama. But he might not ever have started a career there had his wife not pushed him to apply when he was in his 20s.

On an episode of Business Insider's podcast, "Success! How I Did It," recorded at an Intersport leadership summit in April, Brennan told Business Insider US editor-in-chief Alyson Shontell why he considered working for the CIA.

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WNU Editor: I am willing to bet that he did not tell his CIA bosses that he voted for the Communist party in 1976 .... CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate (Washington Free Beacon)


Anonymous said...

I think he still is a communist at heart (even if he does not dare to vote for them anymore).At least his actions as a civil servant are in line with communism. That is probobly why he so willingly participated in the mass survellance (sorry if the spelling is wrong, swedish is my first language) of American citizens, and has so little respect for the democratically elected president.

With other words a perfect citizen in the old soviet union (and today a modell low rank and file member of the deep state, that tries to undermine the result of Trump's election).

fred said...

if he once voted that explains everything...alas, when was the last time a known communist ran for any post in an American election?
I once had a boyscout troop leader who was on a list of the FBI...perhaps that has made me a vodka drinking comrade

Matthew Putnam said...


Bernie Sanders 2016. Admitted socialist and member of the American Communist party for years - even during the cold war.