Thursday, October 5, 2017

Why The Saudi King's Visit To Russia Is A Major Geopoltiical Shift

Patrick Wintour, The Guardian: Saudi king's visit to Russia heralds shift in global power structures

Vladimir Putin hopes first official trip by Saudi monarch to Moscow will seal powerful new alliance centred on oil and conflicts in the Gulf states

Russia will host its first visit by a Saudi monarch on Thursday, in an attempt to seal an alliance that would confirm Moscow as a major independent force in the Middle East capable of shaping worldwide oil prices and the outcome of regional conflicts such as those in Syria and Libya.

With diplomatic alliances shifting across the Middle East, Moscow hopes that King Salman’s historic four-day visit will show that Moscow can forge close alliances with all the key Middle East players, including Turkey, Iran and now Saudi.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: From a geopolitical perspective .... this growing friendship between Russia and Saudi Arabia is huge. For Russian President Putin .... this Saudi visit is a validation that his Middle Eastern policy and strategy is bringing strategic and political benefits to Russia. For the Saudis .... this new friendship with Russia will give them leverage against the U.S. and European states on multiple fronts .... arms sales being one of them. But the big reason for why this friendship will grow can be summed up in one word .... oil. Both countries are major oil producers that are dependent on the revenues that is resource produces .... and both countries want stable prices. They are going to talk about oil quotas and prices .... and who gets what.


jimbrown said...

Another "win" for. Putin like he "won" Syria, Iran and Hezbollah.

Big congrats to you sir.

Anonymous said...

Well we can all prepare for another drop in oil prices i think. Saudi Arabia knows it has the power to control the market to benefit them and their allies (Russia especially). This will be turned into another economic war that the US cannot control or influence. Saudi oil is too easy and cheap to produce and comes clean out of the ground compared to the dirty oil we get even with shale oil.

Anonymous said...

Good thing we have a functioning government here in the U.S.