Saturday, November 11, 2017

A Look At The Recent History Of U.S. Interference In Elections Elsewhere

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Michael van der Galien, PJMedia: Hypocrisy: Obama, Clinton Have Long History of Meddling in Foreign Elections

With the Democrats blasting Russia for "interfering" in U.S. elections, I think it’s time to discuss the recent history of U.S. interference in elections elsewhere.

1: Team Obama tried to defeat Bibi Netanyahu in Israel

In 2015, the Obama administration illegally funneled money to leftist opposition groups in Israel to help them bring down the government led by Benjamin Netanyahu: $350,000 was given to a group called OneVoice Movement (OVM).

This group said it wants to bring about "peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine." It goes without saying that OVM was and is against Netanyahu. That's bad enough, but leftover money was used to set up a leftist election machine in Israel that took on the Israeli leader.

Five American campaign experts were hired. One of them was President Obama's field director during the 2012 elections.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The above article focuses on U.S. Democrat actions to influence foreign elections. But this is really a bi-partisan endeavor. 


Unknown said...

Good Article.

Anonymous said...

golly...Obama and Clinton but NO GOP presidents? and yet, Americans involved in many elections, often, world-wide...

Unknown said...

West Germany 1953 - We interfered. That would be Eisenhower. I am glad we did.

South Vietnam 1971 - That would be Nixon.

Happy Anon?

Carl said...

This doesn't even scratch the surface of what Obama and Clinton did. What about the more violent interventions in Haiti in 1993 (it didn't come to shooting but that was only because Duvalier agreed to leave before the 82nd airborne arrived), Libya in 2011 and Syria from 2012 on, and Ukraine in 2014 where Victoria Nuland hand-picked the country's next prime minister while giving cookies to the neo-Nazis who did it. But this sordid history stretches back to the late 1940's beginning with CIA interventions in Greece and Italy's domestic politics under Truman and the 1953 coup in Iran, which has colored our relations with that country ever since. Then there's Chile in 1970 and 1973, with the second one ending in the murder of the country's elected president and probably a hundred other interventions most of us have never even heard of.

Let's drop this hypocrisy and return to the outlook that John Quincy Adams reflected in the early 1840's when a he told a visiting dignitary that the different between the U.S.A. of that period and the European Empires was that America didn't go abroad looking for dragons to slay. We have become what we once rightly despised and Americans need to face that reality.

fred said...

Only a fool would pretend we do not or have not interfered in elections...but does that suggest or imply that we ought not be upset if an enemy nation has intefered in our elections and perhaps caused one side to win because that side was favored by an enemy nation? Of course I wait for full prove is this was the case (Mueller investigation), but to post an article about what we do is seemingly put up to dismiss any and all charges against Russia

Anonymous said...

It's naive to think that Canada and Australia shouldn't be included on this list.

Unknown said...

"Only a fool would pretend we do not or have not interfered in elections."

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