Friday, November 10, 2017

A Radioactive 'Cloud' From Russia Is Sweeping Over Europe

A map from French authorities suggests that the release came from the east, near the border of Russia and Kazakhstan. IRSN

Time: A Radioactive Cloud from Russia Swept Over Europe — and No One Knows Why

A mysterious radioactive cloud that swept through much of Europe this fall has officials baffled.

The cloud was harmless and has dissipated, France’s Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety wrote in a statement Thursday, but between Sept. 27 and Oct. 13, the radioactive nuclide Ruthenium 106 was detected in “the majority of European countries.”

Experts aren’t totally sure where the substance came from, though testing suggests it was first released during the last week of September in Russia or Kazakhstan, likely somewhere between Russia’s Volga River and Ural Mountains.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It is the not knowing the cause of this event that is raising alarm bells everywhere.

More News On A Radioactive 'Cloud' From Russia Sweeping Over Europe

Detection of Ruthenium 106 in France and in Europe: Results of IRSN's investigations -- IRSN
French institute suspects nuclear accident in Russia or Kazakhstan in September -- Reuters
Nuclear accident sends 'harmless' radioactive cloud over Europe -- The Guardian
Nuclear 'accident' sends radioactive pollution over Europe -- Telegraph
Russia named as likely source of Europe radioactivity spike -- Washington Post
Mysterious Radioactive Cloud Over Europe Hints At Accident Farther East -- NPR


Anonymous said...

so what are the top 3 speculations / conspiracy theories? I'll start, ok? :)

So first you have the US collecting tissue and gene samples of Russian bodies.. and now there's a nuclear cloud - likely stemming from Russia (dramatic drum roll)!! - moving towards Europe.. and get this: If that cloud were to go on forever ,eventually it would reach the US! TAATAATAAMMMMM
Is Clinton behind it? Obviously! Did Putin do it? Of course. They are both the same person! woooooooooo

^----Who can beat that? :D

SCOTTYD said...

The last nuclear anything I heard about was north Korea. I believe they had a collapse in their nuclear test site. Could the two be related? Could a nuclear cloud have traveled the far already?

Jay Farquharson said...


As far as anybody knows, based on the isotopes and density, it's probably a leak from either a reprocessing plant or medical isotope production center.

Neither Russia nor Kazahikstan are "transparent" about nuclear leaks.