Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Africa's Richest Woman Fired As A Head Of Angola's State Oil Company

Isabel Dos Santos, the daughter of Angola's former President who led the country for 38 years, says while her family shaped her, it was her own business decisions which led to her becoming Africa's richest woman.

The Guardian: Angolan president sacks predecessor's daughter as state oil chief

João Lourenço ousts Isabel dos Santos as part of drive to assert his authority months after taking power

Angola’s president, João Lourenço, has sacked his predecessor’s daughter as head of the state oil company as part of a drive to assert his authority.

Lourenco swept to power as the ruling party’s candidate in August elections after pledging to clean up Angola’s endemic graft, tackle nepotism and revive its economy.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Angolan President João Lourenço is doing this today because the world's attention is on the Mugabe family in Zimbabwe. As to what is my take on this firing .... it is amazing how the passage of time changes everything. When I was growing up the MPLA (the political party that has ruled Angola since the 1970s) was a hard-core Marxist group that received the support of the Soviet Union and thousands of Cuban troops. Today .... the children of the leader who led all of this are multi-billionaires. What can I say. Socialism at work .... for only the few at the top.

More News On Africa's Richest Woman Being Fired As A Head Of Angola's State Oil Company

Angola's President Fires Dos Santos' Daughter as Sonangol Boss -- Bloomberg
Angola Leader Removes Dos Santos Daughter as Oil Firm Chair -- U.S. News & World Report
Africa's Richest Woman Just Got Fired From Her Biggest Job -- Fortune
Isabel dos Santos dismissed as chair of Angola's Sonangol - presidency -- Reuters
Africa's richest woman removed as head of Angola state oil group -- Financial Times
Angola's Dos Santos Family Under Pressure to Give Up Key Posts -- Bloomberg


Unknown said...

If Mugabe goes, there will be pressure on other autocrats south of Zaire.

African spring?

Plus maybe João Lourenço wants to be his own man?

B.Poster said...

"Socialism at work for only a few at the top." It really does seem to work this way doesn't it.

Not that the supposedly "capitalist" America is any better. Most Americans have trouble doing the basic things such as feed and clothe their families, keep a decent roof over their heads and those of their families, obtain even the most basic medical care, and to obtain even the most basic clothing without having to rely on "hand me downs" that are barely adequate.

This is why when someone writes an article criticizing POTUS about supposedly being "upstaged" by Xi in China most Americans want to tear their hair out. In a country where much of the population can barely feed itself, barely maintain a decent covering over their heads and those of their families, are barely even able to obtain even substandard medical care, and clothing is hardly adequate for most of us we REALLY DO'T CARE ABOUT PETTY THINGS LIKE WHO "UPSTAGED" WHO!!"

"African Spring?" The "Arab Spring" has torn the Middle East apart leaving things in a much worse condition than they were. Who actually organized this? Shouldn't we be trying to find out? Shouldn't those people be placed on trial before the UN or something similar to how Nazis were handled at the end of WW2? Given how badly the "Arab Spring" has gone, does it really seem prudent to push for something similar in Africa?

Unknown said...

"Most Americans have trouble doing the basic things such as feed and clothe their families" - B Poster (A Poster was unavailable for comment.)

It is called t Democrat plantation.

My pares had high school degrees. They never had a problem.

Of course when ________ Democrats only graduate 70% or so of kids in major cites with highschool degrees is that the problem of a free society or the result of Democrat plantation governance & politics?