Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Is Hillary Clinton In 'Secret Negotiations' With Ex-British Spy Christopher Steele To Buy A Second 'Dirty Dossier' On Trump

Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton is in 'secret negotiations' with ex-British spy Christopher Steele to buy SECOND 'dirty dossier' on Trump's romantic englements with Russian women, claims Clinton author

* Ed Klein, author of four books on the Clintons, claims Hillary's minions are in secret talks with Russian dossier author Christopher Steele, in an attempt to end his 'illegitimate presidency'
* The second dossier will allegedly contain evidence that Trump had 'romantic involvements with Russian women' connected to the Kremlin's spy apparatus
* The original Russian dossier has been discredited
* '[Hillary's] convinced that Trump made business deals with Russians with ties to the Kremlin in return to offer them favorable trade conditions,' a source tells Klein
* Hillary has been described as 'completely unrepentant' about funding the first dossier, and 'adamant' about releasing a second
* Klein's new book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, reveals Hillary's never-ending crusade against the president

Hillary Clinton is in secret negotiations with Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous Russian dossier, to purchase a second report that allegedly contains salacious new charges against President Trump, according to several sources with personal knowledge of the transaction.

The talks with Steele, a former British spy, are being carried out by Hillary's former campaign aides, who do not hide their bitterness over the shocking loss of the White House to Donald Trump, these sources say.

'Hillary's people have been secretly in touch with Steele and are close to making a deal with him on opposition research that he claims has newly surfaced from his Russian sources,' says a longtime Clinton adviser.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Good grief!!!! I hope this report is false .... but a part of me senses that it is true .... Hillary Clinton wants revenge.


fred said...

The statement made here that the Steele dossier has been discredited is wrong. It is still or was for a time being vetted, but thus far no one has said publicly that the dossier has been discredited.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a very weak man in many ways. He ditched Flynn, he ditched Bannon, he hired Kutchner that has turned out to be the worst adviser ever. He even signed russian sanctions that he knew were wrong. All to appease his enemies.

Trump does not understand that all retreats only encourage his opponents to atack him more.

Anonymous said...

Many people have said and proved most of the dossier is full of lies and false claims. But the democrats are pupils of Goebells, If you repeat a lie enough times people will believe in it.

fred said...

Name three of the many people and are they with the group vetting the document or not?

Anonymous said...

Yes Trump says lie after lie... and "his base" belive everything... and with fox/pravda kicking out the lies..

Anonymous said...

There is a great new searchengine called google, you may want to try it.

Jay Farquharson said...

"Klein received extensive criticism for his 2005 biography of Hillary Clinton, The Truth About Hillary. Politico criticized the book for "serious factual errors, truncated and distorted quotes and overall themes [that] don't gibe with any other serious accounts of Clinton's life."[9] The conservative columnist John Podhoretz criticized the book in the New York Post, "Thirty pages into it, I wanted to take a shower. Sixty pages into it, I wanted to be decontaminated. And 200 pages into it, I wanted someone to drive stakes through my eyes so I wouldn't have to suffer through another word."[10] In the National Review, conservative columnist James Geraghty wrote, “Folks, there are plenty of arguments against Hillary Clinton, her policies, her views, her proposals, and her philosophies. This stuff ain’t it. Nobody on the right, left, or center ought to stoop to this level".

There's a big chunk of the punditocracy and Beltway that's having a hard time now that Hillary's not President. 30 years of obsession is hard to quit, and it's not just Faux News.

By Chris Riotta On Saturday, October 28, 2017 - 10:22

Trump allies can't stop accidentally referring to Hillary Clinton's nonexistent administration
Maxwell Tani Oct 30, 2017, 11:23 PM ET

When your whole career plan was to coast into retirement cutting and pasting from past articles covering past Clinton "nothingburgers" to make your weekly word count, while dressing it up as "something new",

Now that Hillary is retired from Political Office, despite some last desperate gasps, it looks like a bunch of "them" are going to have to get real jobs in the time of Trump.

Anonymous said...

what should we put into the search engine...that might be helpful

Unknown said...

Harvey, Spacey, & Hillary all deserve the same fate.

Unknown said...

Where would Hillary find the money?

Would it be:

a) Left over campaign funds
b) Personal stash
c) Criminals syndicate funds from the Clinton Global initiative.

I cannot see her spending from her own stash not when everyone would look the other way if she used option C.

There are rules for option A. To use option A she would have to be running again.

Jay Farquharson said...

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier
Natasha Bertrand Nov 6, 2017, 11:03 PM ET

fred said...

You are like trump unable to leave Hillary and address issues at hand

Unknown said...

It is very easy Jay.

The Dems are running a shadow government.

The difference about a British shadow government and the Democrat one, is that the Brits are open about it.

If the Podestas wind up dead, it would be Democrats ordering the hit to hide traces going back to the DNC or other players.

Jay Farquharson said...


Shadow Cabinet's have no power, all they do is critique the Government in Power's policies and positions, craft their own counter policies, try to work with the elected Government to get parts of those policies into legislation through the Commitee's.


Put down the Axex Jones "trucker speed", it's so RT.

"Over the past three years, conspiracy site InfoWars has copied more than 1,000 articles produced by Russian state-sponsored broadcaster RT to its website — all without the permission of RT."

"The Official Opposition Shadow Cabinet (usually known simply as the Shadow Cabinet) is, in British parliamentary practice, senior members of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition who scrutinise their corresponding Government ministers, develop alternative policies, and hold the Government to account for its actions and responses. Since May 2010, the Labour Party has been Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and its leadership therefore forms the current Shadow Cabinet."


fred said...

Tin foil world
Now talk about Russian and gop

Unknown said...

It is well known what the the British Shadow government does.

The American one acts secretly & illegally.

There is a difference.

Jay Farquharson said...