Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Nearly Half Of Americans Favor Mandatory Military Service

Zero Hedge: 49% Favor Mandatory Military Service For US Youth

Nearly half of Americans favor mandatory military service for the country’s youth, according to a recent poll from Gallup.

As TheAntiMedia's Carey Wedler details, the polling organization surveyed 1,006 Americans over the age of 18 between November 3 and November 4, and 49% of those questioned expressed support for compulsory service.

Further, “a majority of Republicans, including independents who lean Republican, favor it (57%), as do men (57%) and those 65 or older (66%),” Gallup summarized.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Gallup poll is here .... Half of Americans Favor Mandatory National Service (Gallup).


Anonymous said...

I doubt that half of the young men could pass the basic physical health standards.

RussInSoCal said...

Because close to half of Americans know, are related to, or have served in one of the armed branches.

B.Poster said...

If we had mandatory military service, this would mean more people serving. This would mean more people affected by government decisions. It then becomes more difficult for the government to commit our young men and women to fruitless conflicts that get our people killed and mained and don't advance American interests.