Thursday, November 2, 2017

Osama Bin Laden's Files Reveal An Iranian - Al Qaeda Alliance

The Telegraph: Iran relationship with al-Qaeda revealed in newly-released trove of Bin Laden documents

A newly released trove of documents recovered from Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan compound have revealed “secret dealings” between Iran and al-Qaeda.

Nearly half a million files found on the computer seized in the May 2, 2011, US raid on the al-Qaeda founder's hideout in Abbottabad were released by the CIA yesterday.

A never-before-seen 19-page document purportedly written by a senior member of al-Qaeda details an arrangement between Iran and members of the group to strike American interests in "Saudi Arabia and the Gulf."

Read more ....

Update #1: Newly Released Bin Laden Document Describes Iran, Al Qaeda Link -- NBC
Update #2: CIA files shows depth of al-Qaeda's relationship with Iran -- al Arabiya

WNU Editor: In the past ....if a country was caught providing logistical and military support to groups that were waging war against the U.S. .... the U.S. would be within its rights to wage war against that country and its proxies. So why .... with all of this intelligence .... did President Obama instead decide to withhold all of this intelligence from the American public and proceed with negotiating and compensating Iran over the nuclear deal? It is bad enough that Iran supported Shiite militias in Iraq against the U.S. and its allies .... but supporting Al Qaeda?!?!?! Al Qaeda's terror operations provoked the U.S. (as Bin Laden predicted) into a maelstrom of wars and conflicts in Afghanistan and elsewhere that has cost trillions of dollars and countless lives. The fact that Iran made the decision to later facilitate Al Qaeda makes the Obama administration's decision to pursue a nuclear agreement that overturns sanctions and returns tens of billions of dollars even more perplexing. The reverse should have been done .... sanctions should have been enforced, and the victims of this Iranian-Al Qaeda alliance be free to sue Iran for damages in the courts.


Anonymous said...

Wnu. Think about it.

The reason is: it's not just Iran. It's Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Qatar

The logic is: don't make it an open public war against all of them, but try to have main actions limited to 1-2 at most at same time and minor operations elsewhere, then rotate to next target

Caecus said...

Iran is the Shia Islamic State and a self-avowed enemy. "Death to America" is their second favourite slogan. Making concessions to a ruthless enemy is always seen as a sign of weakness and makes the situation worse, which is exactly what is happening in the ME.

Alex said...

I want to wait for a bit more analysis to come out on the Iran-Al Qaeda connection before I get too fired up, but should it prove to be consistent with what's in the Telegraph article that would simply be mind blowing. Between Syria, Iraq, and Al Qaeda, Iran seems to be achieving it's geopolitical objectives resoundingly and America has been paying a heavy price for that, and even facilitating it. Sadly, the only group of people who have been faithful allies to the US and her interests in the region have been the Kurds, and this burgeoning Iran-Iraq pseudo-alliance is already turning towards them as well. This has been a great decade for the Mullahs.