Tuesday, November 7, 2017

President Trump Calls On North Korea To 'Make A Deal'

Daily Mail: Trump says he 'hopes to God' he never has to attack North Korea but insists he's prepared to defend the U.S. and its allies 'using the full range of our unmatched military capabilities'

* President Trump hopped from Tokyo to Seoul on Tuesday for meetings with South Korean President Moon Jae-in
* At a news conference Trump warned North Korea again that the United States military is 'unmatched' in power
* But he also said he has seen 'a lot of progress' in dealing with Kim Jong-Un and urged him to 'come to the table and make a deal that is good for the people of North Korea'
* Trump optimistically claimed at a military base after the landed, 'I think we're going to have lots of good answers for you over a period of time'
* 'Ultimately it will all work out,' Trump said of the nuclear standoff brewing with North Korea; 'It always works out. It has to work out'
* Trump is the hard-line opposite to the patient liberal South Korean president Moon Jae-in, who has tried to negotiate directly with North Korea's Kim Jong-un
* In contrast with Trump's bromance with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, he called Moon a 'fine gentleman' in a lukewarm tweet
* Trump wants to tighten the screws on a five-year-old trade pact that has seen America's trade deficit with Seoul double

President Donald Trump escalated his threats to Kim Jong-Un as he held a press conference on the dictator's doorstep Tuesday - saying he was not afraid of 'using the full range' of his nation's 'unmatched military capabilities.'

But he also held out an olive branch to the North Korean leader, saying he had seen a 'lot of progress' in dealing with the country.

'It makes sense for North Korea to come to the table and make a deal that is good for the people of North Korea and for the world,' Trump said during a news conference alongside South Korean president Moon Jae-in.
'I do see certain movement.'

Read more ....

WNU Editor: That is exactly what I tell my GF all the time .... that everything in the end will work out .... No War Threats From Trump, Who Tells Koreans 'It Will All Work Out' (New York Times). But will everything work out with North Korea? It's in everyone's vested interested that a deal be reached .... the problem is that in North Korea internal affairs are far more important than what North Korea's neighbours may want .... and right now having nuclear weapons is seen by the North Korean regime as its guarantor that they will now only be safe, but also be able to influence their neighbours for concessions.

More News On President Trump Calling On North Korea To 'Make A Deal'

At North Korea's doorstep, Trump warns of U.S. power while also striking conciliatory note -- Reuters
In Seoul, Trump calls for North Korea to ‘make a deal’ -- AP
Trump Softens Tone on North Korea, Urges Deal on Nuclear Weapons -- Bloomberg
Trump backs away from harsh rhetoric, says North Korea should 'come to the table' and 'make a deal' -- ABC News
In a sharp shift, Trump calls for North Korea to 'make a deal' -- Los Angeles Times
Donald Trump says he is willing to 'make a deal' with North Korea over nuclear weapons -- Yahoo News
A toned-down Trump prods China, Russia to do more to combat North Korean nuclear threat -- Politico
Trump signals a shift in South Korea — and it looks like his 'fire and fury' threats were just a bluff -- Business Insider

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We can make the North Koreans some concessions.

If they play nice, we won't go Vlad III on them.