Friday, November 10, 2017

Report: U.S. Soldier In Niger Ambush Was Bound And Apparently Executed

An honor guard carries the coffin of U.S. Army Sergeant La David Johnson. October 21, 2017. REUTERS/Joe Skipper

Washington Post: U.S. soldier in Niger ambush was bound and apparently executed, villagers say

NIAMEY, Niger — The body of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of four U.S. soldiers killed in an ambush by Islamist militants in Niger last month, was found with his arms tied and a gaping wound at the back of his head, according to two villagers, suggesting that he may have been captured and then executed.

Adamou Boubacar, a 23-year-old farmer and trader, said some children tending cattle found the remains of the soldier Oct. 6, two days after the attack outside the remote Niger village of Tongo Tongo, which also left five Nigerien soldiers dead. The children notified him.

When Boubacar went to the location, a bushy area roughly a mile from the ambush site, he saw Johnson’s body lying face down, he said. The back of his head had been smashed by something, possibly a bullet, said Boubacar. The soldier’s wrists were bound with rope, he said, raising the possibility that the militants — whom the Pentagon suspects were affiliated with the Islamic State — seized Johnson during the firefight and held him captive.

Read more ....

Update #1: Villagers say US soldier in Niger was bound, apparently executed -- The Hill
Update #2: Sgt. La David Johnson may have been captured, executed in Niger: Report (Washington Examiner)

WNU Editor: The Niger investigation will be completed by January .... Niger ambush investigation expected to be complete in January, Pentagon says (ABC News).


Bob Huntley said...

This just keeps on growing.

Unknown said...

Obama sent those guys there and just left them hanging,

Thanks Obama!

Unknown said...

With Niger, media and Democrats suddenly wake up to Obama's wars

Unknown said...

' “Why do we have troops in Niger?” seemed to be the head-scratching question coming from journalists and Twitter pundits '

Derp, Derp, Derp, ...

Unknown said...

"Why did 4 US troops die in Niger? Even the military doesn’t know." - Vox

Very nice baiting by Vox. Who would have 'thunk', they would do that?

- Why are we there? The CINC at the time, Obama, ordered it.

- Why did no one question it. Because that would be Waaaaacist!

- You go, where the enemy is.

fred said...

You are at it once more. Obama sent them there. Ok. Who was the president when they got killed? TRUMP. He is the commander in chief. Your silly anti Obama stuff is not only tiresome but plain stupid

Unknown said...

What set you off and made you spend time away from your copy and paste empire?

Was it this comment I made?

"Why did no one question it? Because that would be Waaaaacist!"

But it's true. Good little liberal Eichmanns have been pounding into everyone's head messages like this one which follows.

"CNN documentary: Republicans are racists for opposing Obama"

And here you are Fred playing storm trooper.

Jay Farquharson said...


For you Obama, Clinton and Clinton will always be President.


Unknown said...

In forecasting we learned there are always lagging and leading indicators.

In policies and other things there are lagging and leading effects.

I note that then RINOS gave Obama everything he wanted for a cabinet and other picks. Obama also did not have a BS investigation into Russia, Russia, Russia.

Meanwhile we had a real investigation of Hillary (unlike Trump) of her server. We learned that Comey exonerated he before even going through the motions of an investigation.

We also learned that AG Lorretta Lynch met each on a tarmac to discuss grandchildren. This is funny because Lorretta has none. She has 2 step grandchildren, so you have to wonder how high it is up on her priorities to have such talks.

Then every person in the military and in the federal government and in corporation will be going over cybersecurity at the start of the fiscal year or calendar. They do this every year. Then they pick up the newspaper and see that SKANK, Hillary Clinton, had her very own hacked private server. You cannot compete against that Jay, but you try and that makes you special.

Jay Farquharson said...