Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Russian Dossier Author Believes That His Russian Dossier On President Trump Is 70-90% Accurate

Christopher Steele, CBS

Julian Borger, The Guardian: Christopher Steele believes his dossier on Trump-Russia is 70-90% accurate

The respected ex-MI6 officer told Guardian journalist and author Luke Harding that his FBI contacts greeted his intelligence report with ‘shock and horror’.

Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer who compiled an explosive dossier of allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, believes it to 70% to 90% accurate, according to a new book on the covert Russian intervention in the 2016 US election.

The book, Collusion: How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win, by Guardian journalist Luke Harding, quotes Steele as telling friends that he believes his reports – based on sources cultivated over three decades of intelligence work – will be vindicated as the US special counsel investigation digs deeper into contacts between Trump, his associates and Moscow.

“I’ve been dealing with this country for thirty years. Why would I invent this stuff?” Steele is quoted as saying.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Aside from his boast that he believes that 70% to 90% of his research is accurate ?!?!?!?. What also caught my eye was this ....

.... Between 2014 and 2016, he authored more than a hundred reports on Russia and Ukraine, which were commissioned by private clients but shared widely within the state department and passed across the desks of the secretary of state, John Kerry, and the assistant secretary Victoria Nuland, who led the US response to the annexation of Crimea and the covert invasion of eastern Ukraine.

If he was a key person involved in passing intelligence and analysis to the U.S. on the unfolding situation in Ukraine from the start of the Maiden revolution in 2014 to 2016 .... and using his Russian dossier as a basis on how he conducts his work .... OMG!!!! I can now understand why the U.S. response to the entire Ukraine crisis has been one giant mess.


Book: Steele says 70-90 percent of his Trump-Russia dossier is accurate -- The Hill
Fusion GPS told media of Trump-Russia claims, but did not verify dossier: source -- FOX News
Trump-Russia Dossier Is Mostly True and I Did Not 'Invent It,' According to British Spy Who Wrote It -- Newsweek
'Dossier' author Christopher Steele: Trump's hotel and land deals with Russians 'need' to be examined -- Business Insider
Russian billionaire seeking to force testimony of British spy behind Trump dossier -- National Post


D.Plowman said...


Christ you simply cannot make this stuff up!

And 70-90%!!!! That's a rather sizeable margin of 20%, if not 30!

Think he needs to reconsider that 90% of what he says is likely to be a load of bull.

Unknown said...

1) So he was correct that Trump visited Russia.

2) He was correct that Trump rented the same room as Obama.

3) He lied about the peeing.

2 out of 3 rounds up to 70%.

Yet, people will lap it up.

Jay Farquharson said...

"In late 2015 the British eavesdropping agency, GCHQ, was carrying out standard “collection” against Moscow targets. These were known Kremlin operatives already on the grid. Nothing unusual here – except that the Russians were talking to people associated with Trump. The precise nature of these exchanges has not been made public, but according to sources in the US and the UK, they formed a suspicious pattern. They continued through the first half of 2016. The intelligence was handed to the US as part of a routine sharing of information.

The FBI and the CIA were slow to appreciate the extensive nature of these contacts between Trump’s team and Moscow. This was in part due to institutional squeamishness – the law prohibits US agencies from examining the private communications of US citizens without a warrant.

But the electronic intelligence suggested Steele was right. According to one account, the US agencies looked as if they were asleep. “‘Wake up! There’s something not right here!’ – the BND [German intelligence], the Dutch, the French and SIS were all saying this,” one Washington-based source told me.

That summer, GCHQ’s then head, Robert Hannigan, flew to the US to personally brief CIA chief John Brennan. The matter was deemed so important that it was handled at “director level”, face-to-face between the two agency chiefs. James Clapper, director of national intelligence, later confirmed the “sensitive” stream of intelligence from Europe. After a slow start, Brennan used the GCHQ information and other tip-offs to launch a major inter-agency investigation. Meanwhile, the FBI was receiving disturbing warnings from Steele."

B.Poster said...


"OMG!! I can now understand why the US response to the entire Ukraine crisis has been one giant mess." I could not agree more.

As I have explained here multiple times, intervening to overthrow the duly elected government and Russian ally of Ukraine or even having the appearance of doing so was arguably the dumbest move ever made by a major world power.

As I have known even predating 9/11 and the Iraq war, US (un)intelligence is a combination of incompetent boobs and left wing political hacks. Nothing these people say or any reports they write should be taken seriously as a primary source for anything. Perhaps they might be useful as a third source to corroborate the analysis of primary and secondary sources. As I stated after 911 and again after Iraq, the entire CIA as well as the other intelligence agencies needed to be completely disbanded and we needed to start from scratch. At the time, we had good enough relations with nations like the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Israel among others who we could have sought assistance from in constructing competent intelligence services. Now even this possibility is gone.

Due in large part to these incompetent boobs and political hacks we are now in a new Cold War with Russia. This is a war we don't need, lack the resources to prosecute effectively, and not only are no American interests being advanced but American interests are being undermined.

Note I say Ukraine was arguably the stupidest move. Syria is right up there. 1.)There was no possibility of Assad losing as the Russians were never going to allow this in any circumstances. 2.) There never was a "moderate" alternative. 3.)When it started in 2011, I had suggested that Assad's forces would win in under six months. 4.)Had the US simply stayed out of it this is what would have happened. 5.)By getting involved the inevitable was delayed. 6.)This led to more Russian, Iranian, and Hezbollah involvement than would have been the case. 7.) As a result of this involvement and being forced to stretch themselves a bit, the Syrian military under Assad, Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia are now battle hardened, battle test4ed, have a hard edge to them now that they would not have had otherwise and are even more resolved in anti-Americanism than they were before.

I saw all of that coming from the very beginning. If I saw it coming, I'm sure Israel did too. A bit off topic but one result of the Libyan war was the undermining of the security of Italy, a NATO member. One would have expected Israel and Italy to speak forcefully against the interventions in Syria and Libya respectively. Apparently stupid isn't confined to the Americans.

Unknown said...

" to overthrow the duly elected government and Russian ally of Ukraine"

But Russian poisoning a prime minister is okay. Is that it?

Unknown said...

So the Guardian has all this and President BamBam could t make a case.